Republic of Ireland WNT - We're all part of Vera and Tony O'Donoghues Army

I see far right people

haley joel osment i see dead people GIF


You’re proving my point beautifully. You use the exact tactics I described earlier. When you have nothing else, shitpost.

I wouldn’t waste a piss on you if you were on fire… Youre a demented lunatic. All that happened there was you finally decided to reply to my post for attention because you weren’t getting replies… Youre so unbelievably transparent.

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The girls just got a mention at PMQ’s as part of a reminder of all those who served or some bollocks :rofl:

So there apparently “wasn’t a word about it” in the last 25 years and yet simultaneously there has apparently been a wide raging “West Brit” conspiracy in Irish society to demonise literally anything to do with what could even loosely be termed Irish nationalism, Irish Republicanism or even a non-threatening celebration of Irish culture.

Both of these things can’t be true.

I lol’d at that I must say.

I don’t think there was the west brit conspiracy thing you are talking about at all. Certain commentators like fintan O toole have always been very biased when it came to the conflict in the north. But in the main for the last 25 years no one really gave a shite and you probably are right there was a softening in people’s attitude to the IRA and a bit of an increase in glorification of them because of the passage of time. Maybe wrongly. But the same happened the events of the 1920s.
There’s definitely a political element to the outrage now because of the rise of SF though. A certain sector hate them because of their links to criminality and their past etc. Another large element hate them because they will ‘ruin the country’ by proposing vaguely left of centre Bernie Sanders type policies and are jumping on the back of the Ra stuff.

Is that not what Joe Brolly has been pointing out, the hypocrisy? There’s no difference between what the IRA did and what the PIRA did but the former is celebrated nationally.

FG and FF both commemorated Michael Collins recently as the father of Irish democracy

He was responsible for a fair few deaths and violence.

If anyone wants to listen to more from Rintin, podcast below will cover you

Is there any difference between Collins and McGuiness?

Not really, they were both betrayed by their own.

Dev was the real villain

Collins managed to liberate something. McGuinness military campaign was a complete failure.

I think the “bias” you refer to is a bias against murder. On all sides.

That’s a pretty good bias to have.

You’re getting very angry that sensible people don’t take you seriously because what comes of out of your mouth and keyboard is childish nonsense. You’ll have a lot more of that anger to go through in your life.

There are a couple of modern IRA ones that bate anything Collins and them did into a cocked hat. Nearly all killings had SOME justification in both eras. Whether spies, informers etc. Warrington being an obvious one with no comparison in the WOI. Blowing up a 100pc innocent child.
I suppose none are as bad as the Allies dropping the nuclear bomb for eg but there you go. The British and Americans made heroes out of the people who did that and bombed German cities and killed millions in WW1 and 2.

There was nothing glorious about bombing German cities. But the fact is Germany chose the war of all wars and had to be defeated utterly for the sake of the future of humanity. And tragically, bombing cities with crushing force is the way you win the war of all wars.

I expect that some performative idiot will now seize on that paragraph in performatively idiotic fashion as a justification for the PIRA bombing British cities, blissfully unaware that that would be a equation of 1980s Britain to Nazi Germany.

The use of the atomic bombs against Japan is something that for most of my life I have classed as an abomination (no pun intended) but it’s something I’m much more on the fence about now. Recent events have made me reevaluate a bit. And whether it was justified on the whole or not, and I don’t know if it was, it did end the war, and the outcome after the war as regards what Japan became was a overall a pretty good one for humanity.

Britain was Nazi Germany to Irish nationalists in the North.

They were interred without trial, beaten and murdered for being Irish. The H blocks were concentration camps.

I knew you’d bite and literally compare 1980s Britain to Nazi Germany.

Such a comparison is as ludicrous as a comparison of the PIRA to Nazi Germany.

Again, certain people wonder why sensible people perceive them as idiots. You’ve demonstrated clearly why you shouldn’t wonder.

Yeah id be the same about the IRA. Some absolutely terrible things done no doubt but I can see the reasons behind it or rather I can see reasons why people brought up in the environment a lot of those fellas were would do it. The British really need to take a good look at their own history though even more so than Ireland. That was perfectly encapsulated in the sky sports fellas question but I don’t think they have the same level of self questioning we do.