Republic of Ireland WNT - We're all part of Vera and Tony O'Donoghues Army

I didn’t i compared what was being done in the north to Irish nationalists to what was being done by Nazi Germany.

Their only crime was being Irish, for that they were interred without trial, beaten and murdered

The Brits blocked inquiries and investigations in the North for decades and decorated people who shot innocent civilians.

Imagine a fintan O toole style article after English fans sang Rule Britannia at a match outlining all the murders the British army and state have carried out around the world.
It would seem ridiculous but that’s almost exactly what’s happened here.
Surely it’s our in built inferiority complex that causes such self doubt and introspection but maybe it’s heathier too. We can thank the Brits for that.


It really wasn’t. Rob Wotton is a presenter on Sky. Sky are the sponsor of the Ireland women’s team. Sky clearly got onto the FAI to say that an apology live on air was necessary. It was actually a pretty reasonable demand on Sky’s part.

The performative lack of self awareness of Britain’s history - or rejection of self awareness - is frequently demonstrated in the British media and general public discourse, but that wasn’t an instance of it. You’ll see bags of it in much of the rest of Murdoch media however, and on the likes of GB News and any media tied up in the “anti-woke” cult. And in British politics as a whole, most especially in the “anti-woke” cult of the Tory party and the Brexiteers.

A lot of people here identify as “anti-woke”. They should realise who their true bedfellows are. Jingoistic British ultra-nationalists.

A lot of Irish people are now proving they can be just as unquestioning of themselves as jingoistic British nationalists.

Nobody sensible denies there are reasons people joined the PIRA (their truths and all that) but that doesn’t change the reality of what the PIRA inflicted, which was grotesque.

And there was an alternative. The emergence of the PIRA ruined that alternative.

you’ve nailed it there I think. Great post

now that’s performative

How does that justify the murdering of civilians by the PIRA?

And let’s not beat around the bush here, that’s exactly what your post here is designed to do.

To justify or make excuses for (it’s the same thing) the murdering of civilians by the PIRA.

There is no justification for singing it. In 2022, there is no justification in saying you support the IRA. The extreme whataboutery on display, by both “sides” is unreal. If anything, it might get the British to question their own bloody history.

The IRA are gone 20 odd years kid, who still supports them?. The island voted for peace and reconciliation… But what many meant was stop the violence but we’ve no intention of letting you pursue politics to achieve your goal… Time and again establishment lackeys bring the conversation back to the 70s/80s and don’t want to let people forget the violence, despite voting to move on engage in the democratic processes. Granted SF have had a few teething problems during the early years, but they steered most hardliners down the political route. FFG play fast and loose with the GFA when it suits their agenda… They’ll continuously kick SF while paying lip service to unionists and the tan state, painting one party guilty of everything… Tis no wonder we are still stuck in a state of perpetual finger pointing. Our politicians and media are the embodiment of this culture… They’ve aided the cover up of loyalist/British state murders. The free state abandoned their brethren up north and continues to neglect them to this day.

Getting mad at up the ra is more of the same, they couldn’t give two fucks other than it being a great opportunity to shit on SF.


The same fellas who tell everybody else to “move on”, their whole politics and worldview is based to refusing to move on.

The central tenet of that worldview is the glorification of a terrorist group who after three decades of nihilism, finally surrendered and disbanded having lost their “war”.

It’s fascinating.

Joe Brolly on Twitter today is pitiful to watch. He doesn’t know which way to turn except deeper into the knots he’s tied himself in.

There are few more pathetic sights in life than when an intelligent person lets ego and emotion get the better of them, dispenses with rationality and dives head first into the rabbit hole.

Joe has well and truly dived head first into that rabbit hole today. You can tell he knows he talking bollocks, but he’s right wound up, tired and emotional and can’t help himself.

Can’t wait for the World Cup.

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Sid still wont answer if he has sang an IRA song.

and ironically now the youth in the free state will vote for SF en masse, as will I. No way will I vote for FF, FG, Lab etc.

You’d have to be a proper cunt to vote FFG.

The poster sidney was a big Sinn Fein man back in the day until it got popular and he found he could wind more lads up being anti Sinn Fein.

Or have property or bisiness interests. Much of the opposition to SF from voters is not based on any ideological issue imo. It’s simply personal interest…, ‘those fuckers could do something crazy and wreck everything i have.’

That’s the line spun from FFG alright… But the country is run by top civil servants and the CBI/ECB. There’s only so much those scummy murdering bastards can unleash on us.

I’m not a SF man either, but what are the alternatives…

you dont fuck with the permanent government