Republic of Ireland WNT - We're all part of Vera and Tony O'Donoghues Army

Surely they stuck Vera in Business and left the players back in Economy

Dela would have filled them full of cans of carlsburg to set off the air rage. Would have been some craic keepimg them from tearing each other apart

I think Ewan is right on a number of points here.

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It was actually a disgraceful press conference. One journalist badgering her for refusing to follow a player’s orders to make a sub and then she was asked if she would be at the homecoming. I felt sorry for her. The sports journalists that follow the Irish women’s soccer and rugby teams are absolute weirdos. Regularly hounding managers and coaches out of their jobs and blaming everyone and anyone apart from the players for middling to abject performances.


The “professionals” want the manager out becasue she won’t let them have frys on match days. You’d feel sorry for Vera.

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You’ve mixed up the irish team with her old houston dash team in your hurry to be a bit of a bollox…
You’ve literally made it up.

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Pep said after the Euros last year that one of his England players was overweight coming back to Man City and nobody seemed too bothered about that.

Are you a virgin?

When I was a Junior B stalwart I wouldn’t eat a fry on matchdays FFS


Shur you know what they say about the Dutchies. If they had Ireland they’d feed the world. If we had the Netherlands, it would sink.

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Not sure, how can I check?

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The dutch are feeding the world mate

Gimps like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy would want to let the sea back over half of Holland.

One Cunt - Commiskey I think, asked her was she coming to the homecoming. The journalists in Ireland have a strangely high opinion of themselves


He’s a bad un, and a woeful journalist to boot.

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He used to cover rugby, I’m glad he’s gone. I think he actually hated the sport.

He might not be all bad so


I played my best hurling in that bloody Kileedy Tournament way back when, and my mother would never leave me off on the bus for the 2 hour journey without a good, hearty fry first.

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It looks like he’s still at the same crap but has just changed sport. Why would Pauw not go to the homecoming?