Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

I hope so because he didn’t make a killing last week that’s for sure


Can some of the Tipp lads illuminate? @carryharry what is the word on the ground there? Lar was fairly hell bent on getting his retribution on your man and said he would go to the ends of the earth to find him, something to that effect. It’s gone very quiet now.

Ferbie Doherty has retired. One of my favourite players over the past decade. Absolute beast.

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Should have gotten more out of the game than he did, a League medal is scant reward in that time. Where the fault lies is up to anyone really. Derry still paying for the sins of their treatment of big Eamon.

I always thought he failed to fulfill his true potential by not trying to take on his man, he always preferred the cowardly option of dropping off, like a Cork forward, and trying to score over his shoulder.

It sounds like he was all talk.

Typical Tipp person so full of hot air. Bluffers most of them are in my experience. And bad bluffers at that.

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that’s a great hit, i love the way Dunnion puts up the arm as if to say c’mon then and gets absolutely flattened.

doherty was a tramp this year against Wexford, which is often the way when a player goes past it…

He’s a human wrecking ball. He destroyed Aidan O’Shea a couple of years ago too. Thou shalt not pass, fairly or unfairly.

Just read the quotes in that Rory Jacob piece. What was said in the local media to offend him and by who(m)?

i think we could guess who but I dont know what was said.

That hit is the definition of burying a man. If there had been a hole nearby, I suspect Dunnion would have crawled into it.

was it Furlongs piece a few weeks back where he said Dunne had already told Jacob he was off the squad?

Possibly, the veracity of anything that man spouts is questionable.

He gets by on rumour and conjecture, no different than any other local journo*

*this term is used sparingly when referencing the aforementioned individual.

I’m 94% sure that is exactly what he’s talking about. Furlong had it that 4 players would be ‘axed’ and rang said players to find out if it was true.

Furlong’s phone call was the first the players heard of it. Then he printed it in the paper.




That’s superb. As much as he’s a gas ticket, managers and other GAA officer/committee types have been happy using him to get stories in the paper for years.

He was a major thorn in Ger Doyle’s side but appears to be totally behind the current chairman, which is surprising.

He was pro Meyler (easy quotes), anti Bonnar (appointed by Doyle) and pro Dunne (easy quotes and backed by the chairman).

The incessant attacks on Larry Coleman are pointless and seem unnecessary.

But you’re dead right. GAA die hards abuse him and then run to him with the story they want leaked.

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My bollix was he pro Dunne.

he appears to be pro dunne now…