Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

I’ve great time for Keaney, he chose hurling over football, when he obviously had a far greater chance of an AI medal with the latter.

A great GAA man, I wish him well in his future endeavors.

He was always a torn in Limerick Hurling’s side whenever we met Dublin whether in the league or championship, a great lad.


He chose hurling because he was getting pushed out to the fringe of the football side.

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He was very capable at both codes…in fairness he could have hung around the fringes for at least one of those football AI’s.

A great GAA man imo.

He could have but he would still have been on the fringes.

I doubt he’d have changed codes if he was a regular.

Keaney was an average/decent footballer, not in a position to judge him as a hurler.

He was never the best hurler in the world but he had some paw to catch a ball. And he was well able to hurl he obviously wasn’t extraordinarily talented.

A hard fucker, and he was a leader for Dublin…a credit to them, he won the dirty ball more often then not.


A serious paw as you say and they could still do with him from that aspect - we probably beat Dublin last weekend because they had no option other than going short. Himself and Rushe in the same half-back line would be seriously strong in the air.

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Keaney was an exceptional centre back in his early 20s in hurling, suffered from playing both after, definitely maxed out his potential with dublin in football, good to kick a point off the left in space but that was his one trick. I always felt he was put in the forwards to fill a gap for dublin hurlers, was very effective but never natural there. Hardy cunt. Good breeding.

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Keaney was a magnificent hurler in his early twenties when dublin were shit. Half a career kicking a balloon around obviously had an impact and his RTA but he was certainly extraordinary or whatever it is you muppets call it.


Any lad that announces he has “retired” from Gaa is a cunt. You don’t retire from inter county Gaa.At the start of the year a manager picks his panel and once the season is over the players are club players again until the next squad is picked.

Cunningham picked him. He chose not to go back. What word should he use?

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He lost interest in his past time


It has become ridiculous in recent years. Lads hosting press conferences and statements issued via the GPA that wouldn’t be out of place in a Terri/Terry Prone PR firm to announce their retirement.

Like society generally, a real “look at me” attention seeking culture has developed in the GAA at intercounty level between giving media interviews, Twitter accounts and brand endorsements etc.

I’ve no problem with lads stepping away and confirming “yeah, I’ve finished up and enjoyed it” but bloody press releases to announce it take the biscuit.


You can kind of understand the brand endorsements one as they make a bit of money from those ones but the other ones are a joke, media whores.


It’s fucking ridiculous.

You’d kind of wonder where the GAA is really going though. Win at all costs has taken over even at club level. Club teams with drink bans for months on end.

It’s even worse at intercounty level. Throw in things like AI winners looking for appearance money to present medals to teams etc, GPA press releases for retirements etc, players actively with an eye on future media commitments to earn handy coin. It’s a different organisation to the one even 20 years ago and I’m not sure it’s for the better.


Did Keaney call a press conference or did he just announce it on Twitter?

It’s bad when camogie players are even getting media endorsement! “Oh thanks Nike for these new socks” followed by a picture - they probably went out and bought them themselves

He just announced it on Twitter. Not sure why je is getting flak for retiring. Maybe he should of just stopped turning up and switched off his phone.


This. Wasted his best years playing handpassball when he should have been spearheading a doobla hurling revival.

Shefflin’s the only cunt I can remember having a press conference when retiring