Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

I’m not on this too much but he’d nearly sound as if he could be a friend of the forum. I hope the GAA retirement goes well for him though, I believe he’s a Herbalife salesman at the moment. Them kind of jobs only last about five years after giving up intercounty.

Richie Power

Welcome to three weeks ago.

Should have put it in the things I learned today thread :disappointed_relieved:

Fuck sake


And he a hurling man :rollseyes:

Shefflin gone too


You’re playing loose and fast with that term.

“hurling man”?

As ye were told on here months ago, Domhnall O’Donovan has called time on his I/C career

Retired? What is he, 27? Injuries, or just had enough? Seems premature.

All credit to him, he enjoyed it

Work commitments.

Did he not opt out of the panel for a while a couple of years ago citing similar issues?

I was wondering when I heard it on the radio this morning, as I had thought it was common knowledge for months.

Davy wanted him to leave his very decent job and take an inferior one closer to home for training purposes, no wonder he packed it in.


Well at least he’s keeping upbeat and maintaining a sense of humour. #Dubs4Liam16 :laughing:

Nice way to go out. Excellent player for a long time between both codes. In another county he would probably have become a legend. I’m thinking Kerry/Killkenny here for either sport

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Pretty pointed that he wishes the players all the best and doesn’t mention the management. No love lost with himself and Cunningham.