Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Not po-faced enough for you?

Fucks sake

Joe Bergin, Offaly.

He cut Lk to ribbons in 2008 with 3 goals .

Any gaa player than announces his retirement via twitter or any other form of media is a complete arsehole in my book.

Even worse are those lads who thank the GPA in their statement.

A County Board releasing a few words on behalf of a departing player is reasonable enough IMO but lads giving it big licks on their own Twitter/Bookface page, dear God.

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Dodgy done it right.

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Brendan Quigley has quietly slipped away into retirement after 14 years with Laois. The last few have been injury plagued tbf.

Do you not think it would save them hundreds of annoying interactions with random punters asking them are they playing this year or how’s training going or well are they giving it another year? Also is a quick and simple way to thank supporters etc which they may be criticised for if they don’t do. I can see why a player would very much only want to say it the once and so a tweet or whatever is a simple way of doing that.

Leo McCloone is hanging up the boots for Donegal.

Hell of a career

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Is this to do with Jack McCaffrey?

In Richies droll way it is, but not surprising for a guy who grew up in Blanchardstown but supported Meath gaa.

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What’s McCaffrey’s reason for quitting? I know you have impeccable sources.

My sources left with the previous management pal - I’m none the wiser to you. Let’s not forget the Indo made a show of themselves with news of Jayo’s ‘departure’ in January 2019. Until there’s an official announcement from Jack or the county board I’d stay schtum.

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If he wasn’t leaving he’d surely have said so at this stage

Jack is gone alright. Dermot Crowe who broke the story travelled to Zambia with Jack a few years ago and did a piece on it. He would be a reliable source.

From what I heard Jack is a junior doctor living and working in Kilkenny and isn’t able or willing to put in the time required. He always marched to the beat of his own drum. Fair play to him.


Seems a free spirit alright, happy enough in his own skin. Fair play.

He’s probably/definitely leaving a few All-Ireland’s behind but he doesn’t seem the sort obsessed with medals.

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Always leave them wanting more.

A strange season to leave in considering the window will be very short. You’d imagine he could do what he wants in terms of attending training etc to an extent as well.

Maybe Dessie is just a bollox

Why would someone from blanchardstown support Meath?