Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

While I heard the Cahill thing last week, I’ve been hearing Egan has been lined up from a long way out to take over. Which would be a disaster in my opinion. Let him off to the U20s for a few seasons to get experience.

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Agree totally about Egan. He was with the dev squads doing good work and was lined up to do the minors in 18. I think he pulled out due to other commitments and Tommy Dunne took them and won a Munster. I’d think a stint with the 20s would be ideal for him.

Yep. IMO Egan not ready for seniors. Would be a strange appointment. We could also do with a bit of a clean break. Backroom team not involved in senior setup for Tipp yet.

How come Tommy Dunne is not considered a candidate?

More a coach than manager?

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Yeah I’d imagine he’d be staying with Darragh Egan if he got it

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Egan would fill the panel with Kiladangan bollixes. We’ve too many on it as it stands.


As a former Tipp great said to me yesterday “You’d be as well off with Blackie Connors as that Willie Connors”


The rise of Kildangan has driven a lot of traditional folk in the county demented.

They look the same anyway

Blackie Connors ( William Heffernan ) was in a film in the 1980s called Clash of the Ash where he played an aspirant Cork minor hurler

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Did it end where he pulled across some other lad and got sent off so he fucked off to London?



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More interested in the coaching side of things than manager is what I’ve heard. He’s meant to be an excellent coach.

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Could’ve had a job in the bank but for that wild pull.

If they reclaim the Dan Breen Cup then Egan looks a certainty.

As said above he should be cutting his teeth with the U20’s and be aiming at replacing Cahill in 5 years time.

If he gets the gig we are in trouble.

I think with the timing of Sheedy’s ‘retirement’ and Cahill recently asking for a month to make up his mind on a 3rd year with Waterford, his comments after the Waterford v Tipp game, it’s clear where this one is headed. Expect a swift announcement


Was Tommy Dunne not a very prominent coach during the underwhelming (they still won two Munsters and only lost to Kilkenny)Declan Ryan era? Is he highly rated?

I think I remember hearing that the Blackie Connors actor played Luke Dillon in Fair City as well. He had a great bit of simmering hostility with his brother Tommy over Judith in the show.

Will Hotpoint return to the fold? Badly treated the poor divil and he doing it pro bono.