Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Drink in the seeth man……

“ quoting incorrectly “
Lots of :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: marks
An emoji too……

Gas cunt

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Well observed, good lad.

Now, did I ask you to chime in, did I? No. But you did. Now take your kick in the hole and off you go for yourself. Jog on.

I’d say you would be a handy lad to mark.

Way to easy to get in between your ears.:laughing:

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Why haven’t you updated the forum of the unrest in the panel yet?

You’ll regret that outrageous post.

Did JP see something on one of their phones or what???

Nah, big egos sparking off each other is the word.

The Principal has a job of work on his hands going forward.

You my friend are the Limerick “ Jackie Cahill “.

There, I said it.


Like sausages on a string

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Now I’m feeling better in myself…

Bound to happen.
When you’re not used to being the top dog,lads lose the run of themselves.
Jk will try his best,I’d imagine.

Dumb Dumbs and the 1 sentence Wonder forming a lovely little alliance here to support each other :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Harry Shine the next superstar?

Lads romanticising the 2015 All-Ireland football final😂 Probably the worst final of the 21st century. A wet, auld dirty day and Kerry never really looking threatening despite just 3 points between the teams at the end.

But But But special occasion

2004, 2006, 2007, 2014, 2018 and 2020 werent any better than it.

It was probably the worst game between the two sides in the 2011 - 2019 period but it still had some iconic moments like Alan Brogan’s point and Phillys score off the Gooch.

It was a very frustrating watch as a neutral with a strong leaning towards Kerry/anyone playing Dublin. The 2016 semi-final was actually a far more enticing game which never gets mentioned. Think Dublin reeled in a 7 point lead after Stephen Cluxton had a meltdown for a brief period before half-time.

I’d agree most of those finals were either very one-sided or anti-football too. 2018 wasn’t too bad. Tyrone took an early 4 point lead and their goal in the 2nd half brought a small element of doubt to the outcome.

I wouldn’t be sure about that.
I heard a rumour about a young fella in the southern half of the county that could be something alright.
Time will tell.

Two things that are a joy to behold on this forum… @Breaking_my_balls taking names and the seethe from Tipperary hurling supporters.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

The Limerick Jackie Cahill? Or is he more of a Shane Saint?

It would be more in your line to have a word with your own county men… The auld pretending to be wumming about Limerick but are clearly seething routine is fairly visible… There’s Tipp lads on here absolutely infatuated with Limerick hurling. It’s fascinating to watch.