Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Sound fella apparently.

Pity he has to retire from the club in fairness. He might get that injury sorted in time to be fair.

Not being sensitive. Just given the nature of his injury, not sure why you’d stick that clip up!!

Ah we will be down for a few years. We’ve been there before. Don’t think it’ll be 71-89 levels but you never know

A quiet, unassuming lad. Very well liked in his job as well.

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He’s out in Mayorstone now I think isn’t he?

He was until recently anyway. Not 100% if he still there.

Absolutely. Look his time was probably up anyway. Hopefully he gets that injury sorted and he can get back playing with the club.

From reading the press release, sounds like contact sports are out for good for him. A huge loss to his club.

There is a world of a difference between PM and GQ. A world, in every way.

To be fair, beyond the wish to apologize and the desire to seek out the occasion on which he could apologize, the adherence to strict privacy on PM’s part means he is thrice admirable.

I have known about this happening since last summer and only felt the matter should be nudged a small bit into the public domain because of this unexpected retirement announcement. I acknowledge that I did hold that incident against PM, although he is a super hurler and generally clean (as was pointed out above), until I was told the full story last year. Holding on to animus, now, would be churlish, in light of their personal resolution.

I wish PM all the best and am sorry he will not have some seasons in all blue. I know last year’s Sars manager, a neighbour of mine and a friend, thought the highest of PM.


Ya like the Gardiners, Timmy Mcs and and the fraggy Murphys of the game

@thelimericks will grasp on any opportunity, however tenous to hijack a thread and tell us how great “the lads” are. It’s lovely to see, they are still giddy on the success and long may it last

They didn’t even have a drink on the bus the night they won the first won did you know that? And Kiely wouldn’t let the cup into a pub. They are different


Is he the chump that went to oz for trading places and had a few half paced cricket balls thrown at him

Different Maher.

Common enough mistake in Tipperary to mix up Maher’s would you believe.

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Only two Mahers left on the panel atm - although they’ve been bolstered by the presence of a Meagher


Couldn’t be bothered reading back through the thread in depth. Have a few of the current Limerick team retired prematurely? From a quick cursory glance, there seems to be an awful lot of discussion on the Retiring GAA Stars Tribute thread about Limerick players.


It’s a Limerick GAA forum. Expect chat on Limerick GAA on any and every thread.

Declan Hannon is a fine hurler and this isn’t meant to be a knock on him whatsoever but he simply doesn’t standout at centre back for Limerick in the way the very great centre backs of the game have. As a neutral for me, he will be remembered as a fine player and leader who dominates his patch but he is closer to the likes of a Brian Hogan for me who was a key player but fairly unflashy and unselfish in his role on a number of A/I winning Kilkenny sides while the men either side of him gave the more towering performances than the likes of a Brian Corcoran, Sean McMahon, Tadgh De Burca, Ken McGrath or Ronan Curran in their pomp who could do it all and gave many standout performances.

Hannon simply doesn’t dominate in the way that those players did and in fairness to him and the way he plays the role he doesn’t have to or need to given the structure around him. But when you look at the four performances De Burca put back to back in 2020 against Cork, Limerick, Clare and Kilkenny that is the standard for me and I can’t think of a Hannon performance at six that I would have in that bracket.


Hannon needs to do more fist pumping and take on a few wild shots


Paudie Maher was a lightning rod on the pitch. All action, thunder and lightning, kill or be killed. He wasn’t the best defender but that wasn’t the point. He was box office

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He reminds me of a defensive midfielder in football. Blocking off space etc., It seems a very easy role to fill but few do it exceptionally well. He is one of them. You only see the value of these players when they are missing. You need a very high game iq to play this role.

Also De Burca was more of an attacking sweeper. Different role to one Hannon plays imho.


De Burca played as more of a classic centre back in 2020