Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Great post. Shane Curran is a notable omission but we can live with it for the time being.

From a couple of weeks ago (apologies couldn’t find a link). Devastating for him, especially since he seemed impervious to injury for the majority of his career.

One of those players that defined the grand opera that was KK vs Tipp in those years.

You could have Graham Geraghty marked down as a mentalist too

About 50% of Meath footballers probably fall into that category

Thats very informative.

I had always held it against him.

Marty Morrissey put it to him about making contact in the days afterwards in some type of Game on Monday effort.

He handled the question badly (he was 22 at the time) but I had always classed it as a Gerry Quinn type recovery!

Might not be the best clip to be sticking up when talking about a lad retiring from a neck injury… Just saying.

Can you share that as a Google doc so we can all add to it on the fly

Can you get any more precious than this. Maher was well able to lower the blade. A very good hurler in his prime but modern tactics have meant he is defunct and targeted for his inability to turn. He was done three years at least.

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Sure even Mul put him on his hole and he’s only a small fella


Frankie Dolan is an even more notable omission. He falls into at least four categories.

He has done this to a few lads. Mul of the Hurley breakers.

Gillane’s goal against ye in the rain below in Cork will be shown. Iconic. And Kyler’s goal in 2021. Iconic. And Sheedy clapping like a demented seal. Who know’s? Maybe we’ll produce a few more for the highlights reel in the next few years.

Finn, Hayes, Lynch…

Say their names. Embrace them. The Golden Generation. The Immortals.

Barry Nash. The man who could play anywhere. A future Hurler of the Year. Go and back him for it in 2022.

Hego, the Moving Mountain. The Titan. The Green Giant. A killer. A phenomenon.

Hannon. The man who recreated a position. The master stickman.

Big Bad Seamie Flanagan. 5 points from play in the Páirc and we down to 14 men. Slayer of so-called defensive “tough guys”. Good old fashioned West Limerick pig ignorance. The flowing locks, the handlebar tash, the ear ring, the not giving a single fuck attitude. A savage.

Lynch will be spoken about for a thousand years. The greatest of them all.

Drink it in, man.


All the best Paudie. Enjoy the retirement keeping us safe inside in town.


Paudie has been badly let down by Tipperary posters on this forum today. He deserved better.

Best wishes P Maher.

He’s almost one of our own at this stage

This really is sickening shit.

Is it yeah? :laughing:

I hope you fucking choke on it.

Don’t be so sensitive pal.

Tipp maybe need to find a few men that can match Limerick in the physical stakes.

Ye’re fucked when it comes to hurling.

Limerick are a dynasty. You have to accept it.