Retiring GAA Stars tribute thread - May cause brain/neck damage

Hegarty will never make it at intercounty level and Hannon isn’t a top centre back. :rofl:


That view was largely one within the confines of Limerick county borders


I think it’s more a case when Kyle and Diarmuid are playing well there’s little for him to do. He’s a link between defense and attack and nearly always free for a pass from any of our backs.

When limerick are fairly dominant he’ll never stand out really as there won’t be much for him to do.

I think I understand the point he doesn’t stand out like a classic centre back but that’s reflection off the well oiled machine he’s a part off.

It’s a little like Nicky quaid. He has very little do saves wise in many games and is underrated because off it.


I think there is merit in that point.

If you bumped said post at the time you would have seen half a dozen limerick lads share the same sentiment.

Again the point is missed by a few. Nobody is saying that Hannon isn’t a fine hurler, he just isn’t the greatest centre back of the modern era, he is at a level just below those. He isn’t the best of his own era IMHO. But lads seem happier to try and play the man here rather than discuss the point at hand, but when saying that scoring 10 points from play in 25 or so matches as if it is hugely noteworthy in an era where shots from your own half of the field are in double figures in every half I suppose there isn’t much left to debate.

I will put it another way when discussing greats- the Brian Corcorans. Sean McMahons, Ken McGraths et, the all time great centre backs at the peaks of their power, all would never have been subbed off with 5 minutes to go in a one score game in Croke Park unless they had to be taken off on a stretcher. Limerick had no issue wheeling in Paddy O’Loughlin to take Hannon’s spot in such an instance.

Hannon is the benchmark for the modern day centre back. It’s just begrudgery really to say otherwise.

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TDB is a far more influential centre back than Hannon


But I suppose it’s what you determine “dominate” and I’d suggest maybe the days of a 6 “dominating” in the manner of Seanie McMahon or Ken McGrath are long gone. The role has fundamentally changed, and would you not say that Hannon is the embodiment of that change?? Like, as lovely a hurler De Búrca is I’m not sure if he’s as good at playing the modern role of a 6, what’s now needed from a 6, as Hannon is??

I think De Búrca would be an outstanding no. 5, the best in the land, if played there. Would suit the modern role better than what’s needed from a 6

Which was my point all along regarding Hannon…firstly he has been at the forefront of redefining the role and secondly nobody plays it better than him, that’s all I was saying.

I’d like to wish Deccie Hannon all the best on his retirement


When is the modern era and who are the contenders for best centre back in it? There aren’t many. TDB had an eye catching season just before his last injury but his body of work at 6 is not that great.

But that isn’t really true. There was a player playing in essence the same role as him to a very high degree the bones of a decade ago. He was on a good team but not an utterly dominant one but just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean that Hannon is a pioneer of a holding/linking centre back. Hannon is a very effective hurler, that isn’t the debate here - De Burca dominated in 2020 in the manner of the great centre backs yet you are saying it is no longer possible.

The argument doesn’t really hold up.

Everyone believes their wive/girlfriend is gorgeous

I’d consider the modern era to be since the introduction of the back door. It is a matter of personal preferences. Below would be my list

The list would be
Seanie Mcmahon

Brian Corcoran
Ken McGrath
Ronan Curran


The Bricks, Fergal Hartley, Peter Barry, Conor O’Mahoney’s of this world

Seanie gets the nod due to sheer longevity at the position, his last few games in Croke Park in 2005 and 2006 were every bit as good as his early performances there and of course my own bias from watching him during that time. I have no real problem with someone else having a different preference

The next four are all fine hurlers who dominated big games there and but realistically have half a dozen seasons of quality play at centre back for various reasons.

Hogan and Hannon are/were important players for their team and have the medal hauls but as I said as a neutral watching both play I think they are eclipsed by those either side of them. Both are probably underrated outside of their home counties due to the dominance of the team around them.

As a Limerick man, feel free to put Hannon at the top, I can understand why ye rate him, I just don’t think it is an opinion shared outside of Limerick.


Who is the centre back you reckon pioneered the role 10 years before Hannon??

But sure you know it all, far be it from me to go and tell you. It’s not a new idea by any means.


I would consider “the modern era” from the post Kilkenny dominance, the end of that dominance came between 2012-2014, so roughly from then on. The game changed really quickly in that time, fluctuating between a fast possession based game such as Clare played in 2013 to a pure hurling outfit in Tipp 2016 to a physically powerful ball winning side again such as Galway in 2017. Sweepers, Davy, Dónal Óg and Derek had a huge influence on how the game changed.

You can’t seriously attempt to lump Corcoran, McGrath and McMahon into “the modern era” in all fairness. The game is completely different to the one they played in, world’s apart.

Therefore, that’s the basis for me saying Hannon is the best modern era 6. I do not think he was better than McGrath, McMahon or Corcoran but sure that’s a stupid comparison seeing as it’s basically not the same role

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Someone from Limerick

Now who is shutting down debate? I’ve discussed this with you very fairly, I’ve not thrown a single insult I don’t think, so I’m not sure what your issue is?

If you don’t have an answer just say so

Go back and watch how Eamonn O’Shea used Brendan Maher in 2014. It is in essence the same role in terms of positioning and link play just without the same quality in front of him.

A sitting centre back without a sweeper isn’t a unique concept by any means no matter.

Why don’t you set up a poll with heats and run it off over a few weeks?

Your shit is sickened with Limerick’s rise to dominance and you’ve lowered yourself to try define a category with specific criteria to narrow the esteem in which Declan Hannon is rightfully held.

Modern 6? There isn’t a better example than him. You’ll be telling us next John Conlan is the best 6 in the game.

You clown! :clown_face: