Richard Keogh

Tell me some of these stories please.

Iā€™ll take a pm

What part of Eire is Richard Keogh from?

Co Longford.

Itā€™s amazing that high earners in their 30s like @Bandage and Keogh never held full driving licences



I think NK covered it before.


They have about the same 5k time at the moment also.


But surely he had a contract that had to be honoured? Presume they offered a lump sum to buy it out.

Iā€™m pretty sure getting yourself injured when in a car driven by a drunk teammate is grounds for sacking.

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They might have inserted a stupidity clause alright.

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Would they not have grounds for dismissal for bringing the club into disrepute/being out drinking when he was told not to be?

Thatā€™s what they are trying, but as he didnā€™t receive a drink driving conviction, and didnā€™t actually break the law in any way afaik, yet two teammates who are now convicted criminals have not had their contracts terminated, it may be open to question Iā€™d imagine.

Youā€™d imagine the two drivers would be sacked on the spot. But cynically enough, they have a value.

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Iā€™m sure he has a duty of responsibility to not picking up serious injuries when physical fitness is imperative to his work, in circumstances such as being pissed and getting into a car with a drunk driver.

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Iā€™m not debating that, just the application of the policy seems so skewed that it may be open to question.
Iā€™d imagine the insurance company of the lad that ran into him will be looking at a multimillion pound claim.

Itā€™s just tough luck for Keogh.

His career is over, I donā€™t think you can blame the club for sacking him when he is just a crock now and it was a result of what you would consider misconduct or completely irresponsible behaviour for a professional footballer.

We will see.

Itā€™s just fate, it happens in life the whole time.

Keogh made a big mistake, got a bad break, the other two lads got away with it.

I suppose on the plus side for Keogh, heā€™s probably in the twilight of his career.

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Yep. Iā€™d be surprised if he didnā€™t chance his arm at an unfair dismissal though given the treatment of the other lads.