Richard Keogh

Iā€™d imagine theyā€™ll just argue it on the basis that heā€™s unable to his job now due to his own misconduct.

What do the rubby guys use ? ā€œConversion ratesā€ ā€œfront upā€ ā€œanalyticsā€, weā€™ll meet them for a beer in the shed

Yep. Iā€™d be of the same opinion as you but Iā€™d imagine heā€™ll be claiming he was trying to keep a lid on the younger lads and suffered for it. From Derbys point of view there is little or no point in keeping him on though.

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He could be fucked too on his insurance claim for career ending injuries.

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Keogh has 14 days to appeal

I hope he sues

Keogh has been shafted here. I hope he sues them to high heaven

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He could sue his teammate that was driving.


Heā€™d be better off learning from the experience and moving on, mate.

Iā€™m not his legal advisor. Iā€™m only laying out some possibilities.

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Derby statement:

ā€œAs we have said from the outset, the Club will not tolerate any of its players or staff behaving in a manner which puts themselves, their colleagues, and members of the general public at risk of injury or worse, or which brings the club into disrepute."

That there is surely grounds for an appeal. We will tolerate the drunk prosecuted drivers of the crashed car, but not the drunk passenger.

Thereā€™s a relevant thread for those odd terms. No mention of wan on wan inside in the square but some flute persists with mentioning green grass zones or some weird derivation of same. Green grassā€¦ Hudaā€™ thunk itā€¦

@flattythehurdler will fix him up as an assistant celebrity spotter based in the Manchester branch.

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They can still play though. Professional athletes usually have clauses in their contracts if getting injured doing something stupid.

Whilst that may be, none of that is mentioned in their statement. They have left themselves wide open here by saying he is being released for bringing the club into disrepute and behaving in a manner that puts the general public at risk. Considering the drunk driver did exactly that, but has been kept, means its one rule for one.

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I wonder does the fact that an 18 year old from the youth team also being involved in the incident and was pretty much left by the others to get a taxi home for himself after the crash count against Keogh in this?

Richard Keogh doesnā€™t have a leg to stand on


It is not fairly well known it was a youth team player who was the fourth. I posted an athletic article a few months back which went through the whole thing


Think it was mentioned in that voice note that was going around too ?