Ridiculous First Names - Male and Female

Your version of a Connemara kid is the child of a pair of D4 barristers who heads to roundstone four weekends a summer.

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Iā€™m as Connemara as bad land and internecine conflict.

Anyways I apologise to those who were hurt and frightened by my language. Itā€™s not the man I wish to be. I will learn from this.


Iā€™m as Connemara as bad land and internecine sex.

Fixed that

I initially assumed this was satire, both for the name and the content.


ā€˜Urbanā€™ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I had spotted that but said Iā€™d give someone else a tap in

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I had to turn off ā€˜safe searchā€™ to get a photo of the bould Todger.

Looks like he has it in his hand there.


Sounds like the key should be lost.

Electra Schrock


I searched hard this morning for a photo of the bold Electra but couldnā€™t find one.

If sheā€™s a neighbour, she must be worth a few bob.

Found one in about 5 secs

I think I read somewhere this morning that she was blick.

Yea, thatā€™s her alright.
Plenty of photos of her around today.

Mr German bender, guardian writer

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