Ridiculous First Names - Male and Female

I know four Finbarr’s off the top of my head. Two Barry’s who are Finbarr too.

I know an Aussie from Perth called Finbarr. Parents from Derry. Work that one out.

You know them personally?
I can’t think of anybody who goes by the full name, actually I can think of one who was in school with my brother but I haven’t heard of him in 30 years.
Obviously it has history in Cork but it still a dead name now.
Can’t remember a Cork sportsman with the name or anybody of note really.
It can’t be right??

I have known 2 finbars in my lifetime* and both were from cork.

*platonic, lads.

My little lass is in a preschool with a young lad named Senan. Not a name you hear much these days. Used to be loads of them when I worked out around West Clare.

Edit: @Juhniallio the first non-Cork Finbarr I ever met is also in the little lass’s school.

A quick Google shows a fair few of them. I always thought it went without saying it was a really popular name in cork. Not many kids though I’d say you’re right. :person_shrugging:t2:

Iarlah, great name. Always think of Galway with that name.


There was a chap in college from Cork called Finbarr who wasn’t much craic and quite serious going. He was tagged with the name Funbarr as a result. Oh the jolly japes we had back then.


@backinatracksuit displaying some serious Finbarr Fury here

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Finbar wright
Finbar galvin motors

Finbarr Saunders and his double entendres

You’re fierce protective of Cork.

Fixed that

I don’t understand why a discussion on the name Finbarr equates to being protective of Cork.
It’s just a name.
I haven’t lived in Cork for over 20 years, I don’t consider it a huge part of my identity, but because I was born and raised there I have sone knowledge, it’s kinda weird that it’s construed as rabid ‘Carkness’ here :man_shrugging:

I’d be more protective of Limerick , just not on a GAA sense, that’s my home

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Eunan is a quintessentially Donegal name.

Canice for Kilkenny. Hugh for Monaghan. Dublin aul fellas always had a load of old English type names Arthur George etc.

Eanna as well.

Ailbhe is a Tipperary name. Common with girls now. Pronounced ALVA.

If you are named Conair I’d say there is a 98% probability you are from northern Ireland.