Ridiculous sportspersons names

Added to the list of undesirables. White boots, while the mark of a bluffer, are becoming more commonplace.
The influence of the dreaded soccer unfortunately. Gas, lads who’s fathers were never further than Longford prancing around as if they were on €400k a week.

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Getting a bit of work done flatty?

I initially thought it was dick kremer but still.


:rofl: :rofl:

Oh Christ chucks you are after having a complete mare here :rofl::rofl::see_no_evil:

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Hmmmm :rollseyes:

We all get caught…

The Raith rovers rapist David goodwillie

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Clearly a descendant of Cork woman who married into a Kilkenny family.

Is he ginger?

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Pig Cage

Robin Mounsey (not ridiculous but odd)