Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

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Why not

Very surprising. I’m finding Dingle so far so good, unreal busy though. The worst hole opening I got was 14 pound for a strawberry daiquiri


I scaled Brandon at 7:45 this morning, that’s another story though


You deserve that for ordering A strawberry daiquiri. Have you any idea what it costs to import strawberries into Kerry out of season?


150 unread posts and a tag by @Fagan_ODowd - signing out

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Why are you eating them on an upside down bench?

A quick look at her Twitter indicates that Aoife lives a very, very busy and exhausting life.
She has a cat, horses out lines of washing, has grown up children at college, cleans the gaff (hard to find time for this but) and regales all her followers with the travails of her stressful day.

Gathering all this information and grinding it down it seems Aoife is an attention seeking fuckwit.


Christ, she even told her unfortunate “followers” when she was having her smear test🤮

I didn’t get that far fortunately. Christ that’s fair needy. Women be funny creatures.

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I’d ate those

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The rule of chips….

Rule A.
If sober you purchase chips where you know they are plentiful, tasty and salty.

Rule B.
Have drink taken and shut the fuck up.

There are few places more dangerous than an Irish late night chip shop.


For your cholesterol ?

They’re like piranhas if their beloved Krusty is being mocked.

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Fair play to you, thats a very decent post.

As a young lad you’ll avoid 90 per cent of trouble on a night out if you don’t go to one.


Including obesity

That’s a little added bonus.