Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

The neighbors had that in Cornwall with a place they’d booked 18 months ago. They cancelled all their restaurant reservations and everything (year wan used the high covid rate in manc as the excuse) and were wondering what to do, when a week later, three days before they were due to have gone, she rang back, and said actually they could have it after all. They went. 🤷🤷

weird shot of the boyfriend there

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For when?

Hes delighted

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10 days time. Obviously cheaper in September but August wasn’t exorbitant if you shopped around.

Mid September in Kerry is a completely different ball game than peak yerra summer. Tis than difference between league and championship.

Conor probably wanted to holiday in a big house seeing as he is cooped up in a two up two down in Stoneybatter with the wife, kids, prams, bikes and baby equipment the rest of the year.


Everyone secretly wants the island


Did someone post on this or another thread that a lot of restaurants and food trucks were firing out dressed up fast fried food…
Speaking of rip off, got takeout from Tuscany. It’s not Italian food at all, it happens to have pasta, but the arancini was not an arancino(i).

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Same but I’m a 10 and the wide fitting 9 and a half fits

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These boys are 10 and perfect, good for walk-in/ jogging

dont know why you need those runners, you seem to have a nice tv and a perfectly good remote on the couch


They look good though ( runners)


That’s a big thing.
People compare apples with oranges when comparing accommodation in Spain to here. They are happy to stay in a 2 star hotel in Spain, but wouldn’t be caught dead in something similar here.


This is a shaming the Mick’s thread here pal. Either get on the bandwagon or clear off

Lucky you didn’t have a blue on the tv in the background !

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Gave up all that malarkey year’s ago, women n drink gave them the door the same day

ha :slight_smile: Fair play to you .

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Era made too many mistakes with both and about time I copped on

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