Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

A lad in your profession is made for porn movies. Your co star would have a face like a painter’s radio once you’d be finished


A lovely compliment.


I got rid of one and hanging in there with the other just about! Booze is a mugs game.

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You got that 100 pc boy, total waste of time money and relationships, I got to the point of only having a jar once a year for a long time, then lost the gra for it and the social scene that goes with it hand in hand, all feckin plamas,
Tbh I enjoyed it whilst younger but couldn’t handle the hangover part of it( no shorts etc just Beamish)

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Same as you. I’d have the odd few beers, but getting drunk is a thing of the past for me. I couldn’t hack the hangovers, and the paranoia, and the embarrassment half the time!
As you said, out langersed drunk, all fake talk, fake night, fake personality! No harm, I wouldn’t pay the €6 for a pint bottle of Cider!
Not saying I didn’t have some great craic on the beer in the past. I did.

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You were very aggressive

Same bud we’d great occasions made better with bevy but some bad ones aswell

Somebody told me this week that electricity has nearly doubled in price the past year.

Is this true and why is it happening?

Most of price spike v recent I’d say

Global commodity prices gone through the roof and there was a fire in the UK interconnect to France increasing shortfall further

The Brits will be rationing electricity soon

Did you turn off the immersion?

Cork won’t need to worry, Britain will look after its own people

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Dan 0

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You’d think the Queen would look after her own county first :man_shrugging:

The wagon has circled.

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Price of natural gas has spiked too.

Government will be under pressure to reduce tax on bills. Worrying time for anybody on low incomes as winter approaches.

By adding on a carbon tax?

They could reduce VAT

the carbon tax is being used to retrofit homes and to increase the fuel allowance for those who need it

Its tines like this we could do with a LNG terminal.