Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

Deli eggs.

They should be sent to Ukraine to launch at the Russians


I get 10 items in my breakfast roll, 2 sausages, 2 rashers, 2 white pudding, hashbrown, scrambled egg, mushroom and onion. Butter and ketchup all in a white roll.
Absolutely delish


Fly to Norway and overnight train up. You’ll do it for third of the price.

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You should be in jail


I got a 5 item roll in Gormanston this morning for 4.25 coming back from soccer. There was 7-8 items in it. Daycent enough too

They often have a bit of hassle wrapping the roll, all for the princely sum of €4.50

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It’d be stressful enough getting the little fuckers into a taxi. Dublin airport be okay with the assistance of @Batigol but you lost me at overnight train.

I couldnt do €10k on three nights.

Unless I was in Vegas and acting like Ben Dunne in Florida

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Sleeper carriage. They would love it.

It’s a fucking blast. Train up. Fly back if you wish

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Friend of mine did it last December for (I think) 8k for 6 of them. Himself the wife and 4 children. That didn’t include spending money.
Said they had an unreal time. Worth it for once in a lifetime kind of thing.

It’s far from Lapland ye were reared.


Very true. Seeing the ‘real’ Santa in the Ard Ri or shaws was as good as it got for me.

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Hearnes on the Quay was probably before your time.

Yeah it would have been. I can’t recall being told Hearne’s would have been doing it before actually.

Lads ye know santa doesn’t actually live in lapland. €10k ffs. The greatest marketing trick ever pulled. Wild Atlantic Way in the haypenny place.

You’d nearly get a polar expedition for that


Any breakfast roll-eating roaster worth his salt should call in to the girls in the Amber near Drombanna.

They don’t give one fuck and will horse everything into a roll and charge no more than 4 euro for it.


They were dead right to charge that

Did he/she think the Spar was a charity .

He learned a harsh lesson there anyway. They were doing a €6 sit down breakfast with toast and coffee in a cafe near me just before the pandemic

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