Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

The French Table in Limerick, way overpriced and food wasn’t that good.

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No friendly swim?

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I had the breakfast there a few weeks ago and it was lovely. I wasn’t paying the same day though… Its on the cold side of the street too, I recall being cold in there.

No. Was in a hurry home for the school run. Swimming tomorrow

At there over Christmas 4 or 5 years ago and thought something similar. Bang average in every sense.

Mrs Hunt was in Morton’s behind the Odeon and ordered a tuna sambo. Asked for sun dried tomatoes in the sambo. . The girl warned it’d cost 2 euro extra so Mrs Hunt said ordinary tomato which was only 20c extra. Asked for mozarella cheese. 2 euro extra also. She opted for Swiss cheese which was a bargain at only 50c.

That place is some fucking sandwich making machine

Anyone who orders a tuna sandwich should be charged a fortune anyway and be forced to buy about four packets of mints along with it


They do or at least used to do a sandwich of the day for 4.50 which wasa good deal. Plenty of ating in their sandwiches.

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used to be a great place but the quality dropped off hugely before covid as they got more and more greedy. the place has suffered greatly from the big reset and youd only wait 5 mins now for a sambo at lunchtime whereas it used to be north of 20 mins.

pplenty of daycent places on camden st for better food at a lesser price.

also, im with @iron_mike on the tuna thing. used to work with a girl who would bring in chowder and then nuke it at lunchtime, stunk the place oiut and the microwave had to be decontaminated afterwards


3.50 for a side of avocado the other day. It amounted to 2 good spoonfuls.

Any cunt reheating any sort of seafood in a canteen microwave needs a hiding


Actually Id go one further and say microwaves should be banned from the work place anyway. 9 times out of 10, the smell of someone elses reheated shite is enough to bring on the barf signals anyway. Bring a fucking ham and cheese sandwich and be done with it.


Was her first time since Covid. Said it was a shell of its former self. One til down the back where there usde to be 5 or 6 up the side. She said insomnia was gone from across the Bleeding Horse. I got scared and asked for Zaytoon.

That new ramen place across the road gets great reviews.

Mad Egg for the hungover days is hard bet.



that said, im concerned that im working in such close quarters to a number of cunts from the board!


Fuck ye all. I got a triple whopper meal in BK on grafton street last week. Bates all yere fancy shite and better value too


New ramen noodle place where Insomnia was. I don’t know how that Zambrero place beside Mortons is still going. Even before Covid I never knew anybody that went there

Work there too. Lets do brunch bro

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Would you not bring a ham and cheese sandwich with you and be done with it?