Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

What do you expect from a name like Windsor?




car dealers?

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Coffee or tea and scone
With jam and cream
e3-00 ( tea)
e3- coffee
Wilton shopping centre Cork

And they’re still making a profit
Hi - B restaurant

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Been there many times years ago is

Is Patonis still good? The grandfather used to go there once a week. It was awful

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Is that the one that burnt down?

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No that was Douglas
This one’s opposite the CUH

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Year still going- ok tbh
Bit dear

:clap::clap:maybe I’m easily pleased

I paid 6.50 for a tube of toothpaste in supervalu malahide recently. I was fucking seething.

I picked up a small bottle of Coke earlier on in a topaz, fancied a coke.
2.45, fucking hell


Trade down that lug of a livestock trailer :joy:

Some mileage up to wear out the discs?

Get them off Mick’s garage and get the local lad down the road to fit em for ye.

Only 70k miles on it…

Saturday with the help of god.

They’ve some neck too. She actually rang me back 15 mins later and dropped price to 520 :sweat_smile:

Gangsters lad

You’d get a set of false teeth for that in my day.


He shoulda tried shoving the toothbrush up his hole instead.

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It’s like stepping back into the 90s entering that place

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Those drinks should be 5 or 6 euro… They should be taxed like cigarettes.

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