Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

Cork peaked in the 90s.


What’s the parking like now? Used be cat in the 00s. I spent a lot of time drinking coffee and walking around down there at that time unfortunately.

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If you want the 80s try shannon town shopping centre


More like if you want a bout of depression!


Just Shannon town will do.


Hectic- though I park in the SMA next door

Society of African Missions Cemetery

Cute Cork hoor…

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TBF it was my first church I attended

And I do go to pray there
But yes I also use it to park- quick exit- out the gap

Dunno about the cute part- not for years
Lose my keys n phone regularly

And even misplaced my bloody car in town a few times🙄


Sandymount hotel. €7 for a pint of Heino in a plastic glass before the Ireland match last night.

€7…for 1 pint…of Heineken…in a fucking plastic glass

The fuck like


Was talking to a buddy who was home last week. His father is shoving on and he uses that Voltaren gel for aches and pains. It costs about 30 Euro in Ireland. He priced it at about six Euro here.

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Did you pay for it?

No one of the other lads was stung for the round

Have the same with mineral ice for the auld fella. Can’t be got here. It’s a neverending trawl of Amazon and eBay

Must be sone size of a tube for 30 euro, I’ve bought that for about a fiver

I got a small tube of volteral recently and it was well north of a tenner, maybe 12 or 13.

Yeah it’s gone very dear

A packet of anti histamine is 2 pound in England, its 4 times that in Bogtrotter land

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