Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

It wasn’t my finest moment. Up to the till with my basket of toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel various other toiletries and a can of oxygen. The lady starts scanning away and comes to oxygen and asks me what it is.

“I don’t know” I said “it’s for a friend of mine”

The rest of the transaction was quite tense as we both knew I was a cunt.

Out to my car I go and I throw the purchases in the boot and bring the oxygen into car. It had a mouth piece. I started to inhale away for a minute or two but being a can of air it was hard to gauge when it was used as its weight didn’t noticeably change.

I threw it in the footwell and drove home feeling a mixture of light headedness and shame.


There’s used to be an Oxygen Bar in Dicon nightclub in Limerick

Sounds like you should have returned to your roaster roots pal and packed the tae and sangwich instead of trying to be Billy big balls back from London flashing the cash.


6 euro for a plastic pint of Heineken that you had to drink outside on the street in the red parrot on Saturday

The father in law was at a stag for his pal (who’s remarrying) in the Auld Dubliner in Temple Bar on Saturday. Only €40 for 7 pints - mixture of coors, Heineken and Guinness. The barman said he would only charge them ‘local prices’


42 euros for a bottle of Bling Water in Superquinn. Saw it on the shelf - obviously didn’t buy it but knew immediately the country was fucked.


Were you a bit sour after it?

Luckily enough the likes of Patriots like myself, @balbec and @flattythehurdler are loaded enough to absorb paddy fucking us, we’ll still support our own country but are more than entitled to comment on what a absoluteb rip off the place is




You’ve lads from the the likes of ogool reckoning the takeaway coffee in London is waaay more than £3.50

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I paid $7 for a coffee in Starbucks the last time I was in New York

Was that for a black standard or some concoction? I paid 8 in universal studios, but that was for an iced coffee something or other, and it was worth it for half an hour in the air con. I was, surprisingly or otherwise, the only person in there (well the family were).
The big ones you’d wash in.

I paid a small fortune for some poached eggs and Halloumi on one (1) slice of sourdough toast this morning in Cork.

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Go shit in your hat Peter


You paid an extra Euro for your loyalty to Doon.

€6 for a pint bottle of cider in Dublin at the weekend.

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You were doing well. That wouldn’t have been far off pre-covid price.


I made a point of bigging up how much better Dan was than Richie.

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The Guinness was a fiver in Clonliffe House last Saturday.

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