Rip Off Ireland - A thread for rip offs

15 quid for a bottle of air.

What’s Ogool?

3.50 euro is expensive for a coffee, but it wouldn’t be out of place in London,

But yeah, Ireland is a shithole, we get it

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23 pound. I repeat twenty three pound


What is that in euros?

Ireland is the best country in the world mate.

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Would it fuck

Kerry tommorrow should be good.


I suppose getting it served up on a shtone would impress a few lads here, that’s what you are paying for

It looks like you are eating it on a stone wall

What or where is Ogool?
And who said takeaway coffee is waaay more expensive than £3.50 in London?

Calm down. Saying Ireland is expensive, which it is, it is one of the most expensive countries in the world, doesn’t mean it’s not a wonderful place. You’re the one putting words in people’s mouths.
Fact is, it’s cheaper to buy coffee in central London than it is in kinvara.
(I’m basing this on cafe Nero next to the office I work in when I’m there)

As they say in West Clare, a fish on a stone is worth two on a plate


You can’t really compare a little artisan coffee shop in Kinvarra serving beans roasted in the Burren to a Cafe Nero, you’re gonna pay a little more.
But good coffee in London isn’t cheap, if you want cheap coffee you’ll find that everywhere, 3quid for a milky coffee wouldn’t be daft in London.
I like nice coffee

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:smiley: If they could get some of the sheep to ate the beans and shit them out first they could add another few euros


I’m sure somebody somewhere has tried it,
I’ve been wanting to try that stufff but obviously you couldn’t justify that price, Jack Monday’s had it on

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I’m not sure of the logistics of that. Ground rent, business rates, wages etc all far far higher in London.
I always feel that artisan type places charge what the market will tolerate rather than what is reasonable, and, as a tourist, it’s very unpredictable whether it’s worth it.
I like coffee hot, milky and single shot weak, so artisan is mostly wasted on me.
The nicest coffee I ever had was arabica in knocknacarra now gone, and the pink van near moycullen.
You are absolutely correct though.

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I’d add that 23 quid for fish and chips seems brutal dear

That’s only Clare, you need to go to Kerry. Not Dingle mind.

Of course, and it looks disgusting as well, but I’m sure the prices were on the menu, I’d be interested to see where it was,
But you could pay that and more in Cornwall no problem

Jaysus. You’d not pay it in manc.