RNLI scum

RNLI surrenders

From The Irish Times.

A woman has been rescued from Lough Derg near Portumna, Co Galway, after using her mobile phone to alert emergency services when she got into difficulty.

The woman had been paddle-boarding on Wednesday afternoon and, after coming off her board, was unable to get back on.

She said she was in the water for an hour and a half before she was eventually able to use her mobile phone to call the emergency services. She was located after being able to identify landmarks visible on shore.

Valentia Coast Guard requested the launch of Lough Derg RNLI lifeboat to assist the woman who was at the northern end of the lake.

As crew and shore crew prepared for launch, they were informed that the woman was clinging to a navigation mark.

The lifeboat was launched at 4.22pm with helm Eleanor Hooker, crew Steve Smyth, Joe O’Donoghue and Doireann Kennedy on board. The lake was “near calm” with southerly winds of force 1-2. Visibility was described as “good”.

Rescue 115, the Irish Coast Guard Search and Rescue Helicopter team, also launched from their base at Shannon. Portumna gardaĂ­, Portumna fire and rescue crews, and Galway ambulance crews made their way to a small harbour on the Galway shore known as New Quay.

As the lifeboat approached the scene they were informed by Valentia Coast Guard that the Portumna fire and rescue crews, who had launched their dory, had located the woman clinging to the navigation mark.

The woman was taken ashore where an ambulance and crew were waiting to assist. The lifeboat departed the scene at 5pm and was back at the station at 5.40pm.

Catherine Gleeson, deputy launching authority at Lough Derg RNLI, said she was “glad of the positive outcome and that the person in the water had a means of calling for help”.

She advised water users not to go out alone where possible, but to inform someone of their location and expected return time if going alone.

So a big palaver about launching their boat, listing out their crew members, the timeline and what they had for breakfast, when in actual fact a few firemen in a dory located and retrieved the stricken lady.

No shame.


Yeah you gotta hand it to @Dav1 - he can turn even this failure into positive PR. Without his silky touch local papers would have run with ‘portumna firemen step in to rescue swimmer as rnli react too slowly ‘ .
It shows how the privatisation of marine rescue has skewed the moral compass of the rescue matrix - the national coastguard service (heroic but underfunded ) had to “ request “that the rnli launch their privately funded vessel. They eventually did but obviously the algorghthimn they use didn’t score the last highly (think she was working class catholic) so they only launched after their break .
Thanks @FatChops for informing the group and brace yourself for @Dav1 amd his warped defense of Anglican marine rescue.


My pleasure. Always beware of the zealots.

The RNLI are just launching their boat and we’ll get the full press release on St. Stephe… Boxing Day from Geoffrey, Bryan, Will, Sue and all the goys.


Well done to the union hall boys…… can never be too sure when disaster strikes. Hey @Funtime make sure daddy services the rib ahead of the season yeah… mummy will soon be rid of those morning school drops and you will have the x5 to tow the tender down the harbour… bet you can’t wait to bring the boys out for a spin.


Ta for posting Dav. It meant i got to read the one above it, the ridiculous lough derg one, which i hadn’t read.

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Feck remember reading about this dangerous bollox
Didn’t spot the RNLI connection

Potential rapist/ kidnapper that sham

In fairness, that’s every member of the RNLI



to be fair @Thomas_Brady im not normally one for defending the rnli but most members are either rapists OR kidnappers, rather than both


So your sponsoring the circus in howth now @Dav1 ??


Oh dear.

Ah lovely…

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Jesus it’s some RNLI love-in at HQ today.

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This puts Bloody Sunday in the hapenny place for brits running a mok in HQ


It’s 2022… mate

The Skerries RNLI flag flying at half mast today.

Did someone of significance die recently ??



Bit slow off the mark today. They could have made a killing in ‘fundraising’.