Ronaldo and Kathryn Mayorga Secret Video

#IStandWithCristiano is trending on Twitter :hushed:

No doubt started by fanboys like Croppy.

Need to make this thread members only @anon61878697

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Ronaldo would get the arse rid off him in American jail.

Post reported


That’s in poor taste considering what’s going on in the background of that video.

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He’s even got a red X over his face in his profile picture sure

@anon61878697 thanks for the lounge access. CR7 is some boyo.

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Same ol Cristiano, always scoring, even when it looks like its not on.

He’s certainly a good man to split the defence.

It’s fascinating the way the soccer crowd are saying nothing about this… if it was a rubby player they would be all over it. The double standards is off the charts.

Has @Rocko deleted the video already? :popcorn:

In spite of the keepers best efforts he’s still managed to squeeze it into the bottom corner

password protected … pm if you want.

I saw it yesterday. Raw enough.

The language barrier could be used as evidence in his favor, she definitely didn’t understand half of the talk during the dancing. But ya nasty enough now.

Jesus things have changed round here in the past few months with lads making a big laugh out of a rape and fellas like @Big_Dan_Campbell and @glasagusban and yerman @Rocko nor getting all morally outraged about it


You don’t get it mate. Rape is only a problem for the permanently outraged if it’s committed or alleged to be committed by wealthy or perceived to be wealthy white men. Any hint of a tan and rape is impossible, in fact accusing men of color of rape who actually committed rape is racist.

40% of Black women in America are sexually assaulted by the time they are 18, but no outrage from the feminazis and their pimps. The number of Muslim women in Muslim majority countries raped by western standards is 100% as all of them are married off at 12 if not younger.

It’s a very strange place normal people find themselves in.