Rough(ish) birds that you would get up on

I’d like to be a pain in her hole…


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Stale banter

The TFK way

Kylie Jenner

Remember the article about her in a weekend supplement a few years ago.
Summary of article was “I’m single!’ as if she was a freak or else it was a very clever piece of advertising on her behalf.

I worked with Bruffian who said their brother-in-law, also from Bruff, went out with Nuala for a while and she was indeed a pain in the hole.

Nuala would be attracted to one of the following:

  1. A Guard
  2. A Teacher
  3. A Farmer
  4. Someone who has frontage
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I don’t think the thought of winter milking would be particularly attractive to Nuala

Are you saying nuala is a heifer?


A fondy…haven’t heard that since I was in national school :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Nuala lived around the corner from me growing up. I mainly remember that she seems to have been the same age as now for the last 30 years and that she was a mass reader (in the same style as she now does the weather)

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Well has she ever been in calf?

so there’s no “stifler’s mom” about her at all…?

Biblical rain ???

So she’s a posh Dub?


Jesus. Imagine if @tallback was a bogger? It would be the most shocking revelation this forum has ever heard.


I’ve a vague memory of drinking in Kehoe’s of South Anne Street around 15 years ago at Christmas and one of our party started scoring Nuala Carey’s sister, who was drinking with Nuala and possibly their parents too. Definitely some older family members and it was all very weird.

Pulling with my parents kind of thing ?