Rough(ish) birds that you would get up on

Poor old @Cicero_Dandi is very intimidated by her.

A lot of the lads in here cant handle the fact that, while they’re looking down at their guts, Ms Geary is in incredible shape. It drives them spare. They’d probably leave the shirt on riding her


I have a six pack but I have to tense for it. I wonder hours she was fasting before that video, how much energy she used up flexing and how many takes she took before deciding to publish it on the internet, in her underwear in what looks like a bathroom.

She looks like a man. Listen I’ve nothing against the girl but I’d have more interest in getting her to throw up a wall or build me a garage than getting romantically involved with her.


He has bigger pecs and she has bigger abs.

The poor lad has been rattled to his flabby core by Anna. :slight_smile:

you’re asexual, so the same can be said of everyone right…

the fact that you wouldn’t get romantically involved with her, doesn’t really say much


I have a six pack but I have to queue in the off-license for it


You don’t understand asexuality. I can be romantically involved but I have no interest in sex things.

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so you’d determine who you’d like to be romantically involved with based on sexual attraction, but not for sex things


I could be aesthetically attracted to someone but I’ve no sexual attraction to them.

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She’s in a bikini mate.
That said, you’d stand a better than average chance of “dying above on her”

Why is she wearing a bikini in a bathroom?

she’s getting ready for a massage.

That’s a massage suite I’d imagine

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I’d imagine Cicero Dandi would get a massage in his overalls and hard hat

You’d have to ask her that.

Where would he put his hard hat?

I happened to meet her as both of us were exiting a car park near Grafton street a couple of weeks back. Whatever about carrying 2 calves, she has some set of calves on her, fair to say she doesnt spend much of her gym time on her legs. Legs a full back ladies footballer would be proud of.


Think she played corner back mate

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