RTE Correspondents


You can tell the lads who did TEFL course as a hedge against the recession.

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The who/whom question is another version of the same issue.

“from Dave and me” is correct, in the same way that ‘Sally got an apple from him’ is correct and ‘Sally got an apple from he’ is incorrect.

I must have been off sick that day.
I’ll file this under things I learned today.

Fuck me, who is this one reading the news ?

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Lovely northern lass reading the news now

You’ll have to post up a picture…

Eileen Dunne.

In my opinion the clarity of her voice and dictation are exceptional. The best RTE newsreader by far.

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It’s not off the grass she licked it.

Ah, he was a great one also. Sound man for the Handball.

I find that Eileen isn’t the best at interviewing which is very important for a newsreader - on TV anyway.

Dobbo was the best all rounder for me.

Good breeding

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Samantha Library reporting from the side of the road in Cork. Could hear cars but not the report. Amateurs.

Road too loud for library

A good Rovers woman. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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The ubiquitous Una Healy is filling in for Ronan Collins today in a pre-emptive permanent move onto Roman’s regular slot. His contract is up this year in any event.

I’m a bit of a fan of Ronan but we’ll see. Expectations are low however.

I’m in.

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Ye’d be mad not to…