RTE Correspondents

Most middle aged men go to Lisdoon in September looking for a ride

George goes for a doom story

Maybe he was talking about getting his rocks off?


He’s really been sidelined over the last few months

I had to laugh, he was actually talking about an exciton event that happened hundred’s of millions of years ago and went on to speculate that the current climate crisis is actually far worse than that one. ie were all fucking doomed. He just couldn’t help himself.

I always get a great sense of my own morality any time I see or hear him.


I dunno, some jet off to exotic places.

There’s a massive European energy crisis coming, he can really get stuck into it

And more go to the Galway races…da da da…

Ryder Cup discussion on Claire Byrne right now is cringe

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Dreadful scutter. Who’s this gimp spoofing out of him? Pod-rig is a killer out there!!!

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Shane O’Donohue CNN - aha explains the shite talk

Has Donie O’Sullivan been on to talk about the time he shared a bag of Taytos with Padraig?

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jaysus another naive fool from CNN on with her now

Is tayto a euphemism?

it might be for the intersection of obese and gay?

Micheál Leehane doing his best People’s Eyebrow looking at the camera there @Bandage

The Rock Sunglasses GIF

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Former presenter and one time US correspondent Charlie Bird has been diagnosed with the dreaded motor neurone disease. I think it’s up there with the worst diagnosis you could get and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Charlie wasn’t the worst of them in fairness.

How do you know you’re in deep shit?
When you look out the window in the morning and Charlie is sitting on your wall.


Ah jaysus. You’d wish it on nobody. I met Charlie before for about 15-20 minutes. Seemed an alright sort actually

That’s a horrendous illness. It’s about as bad as it gets. Hopefully Charlie makes the best of it

Didn’t Colm Murray have the same disease. That’s tough

Ah thats fucking terrible news for anyone to get. There’s no good to it. Having seen what it does to someone I knew, I think I’d honestly prefer to be rolled off a cliff.

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