RTE Correspondents

He did - brutal disease. Best of wishes to Charlie - not a bad oul scout


That’s horrible news. I saw Charlie Bird tweeting recently that he had to turn down some media requests for interviews/appearances because he was having trouble with his speech and the medics were trying to get to the bottom of it. Terrible that this has now been confirmed.


Nice interview with Charlie there on Newstalk. Credit to him for maintaining a positive outlook

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Surely will have to put it back a few weeks now?


No waiting list for George I bet.


Hundreds more now likely to attend seeing the boring prophet of doom is out.


Glasgow is in a awful state according to reports, no refuse disposal and giant rats are roaming the streets

Carrying the weight of covid propaganda would do it

Youth who harassed BBC journalist online now has ‘uncontrollable obsession’ with RTÉ broadcaster, court hears

I see Louise McSharry got the bullet from 2fm. I wouldn’t be her demographic I’m sure but any time I heard her show on weekend mornings it was half decent. Not sure I could name one other 2fm presenter now

Dave Fanning still hanging in there at the weekends. His show completely at odds from anything else on that station.


I thought heart-throb Ingrid Miley had retired.

They hang on in there to the bitter end

Old contract. Can’t sack him have to use him.

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Other thing is, how many of the cunts have they in Glasgow ATM?


Dave seems to taking on the Larry Gogan mantle. They’ll have to wheel him out of there in the end.

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Thought it was her decision to go?

Nope, pushed out