RTE Correspondents

I was getting her mixed up with Aisling Ní Choisdealbha, VM News, who is from Roscrea but not as easy on the eye.

A new unfortunate called Colman O’Sullivan crossed my radar today in the course of the lunchtime news. 2 Romanian chaps arrested and charged with the murder of a Somalian lad found rowled up in a carpet last month.

Colman was utterly, utterly shambolic in his attempts at reporting. Granted pronouncing some previously unheard of names can be tricky but stringing a few coherent sentences should be within most peoples grasp.

He was so pathetically inept I wouldn’t be surprised if RTE issued an apology.

I’d say it wasn’t his first rodeo but he’ll look back on today with sheer horror.

He has been around a while.

Very stuttery, nervous delivery alright. He’s no Will Goodbody.

I saw Goodbody on reelimg in the years last week, maybe 2002, i dont think he has aged somehow

David McCullough gasping for his life and the Minister for Health sits opposite him grinning :laughing:

Delighted to see the lovely Vivienne presenting the 9 O’Clock news :heart_eyes:

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He’ll get a pay rise in case the beeb come for him

I don’t think Colman is that well got in Montrose. During the summer heatwave he was frequently dispatched to the hottest areas and looked most uncomfortable as his ginger noggin sweltered in it…

Who is this lady on the Nine O’Clock News? I admittedly haven’t tuned in for quite a while

It’s Covid Glynner’s wife.

A fine looking girl.

She’s looking as well as the last time it came up here.


Carla something? Never copped she was Ulster

Carla O’Brien

Looks like a nice girl

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Mr Fight the Power himself

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An absolute shocking report from John Kilrane after the BAFTAs.

Repeating himself and leaving out the likes of Paul Mescal being up for an award.

He made a bollix of pronouncing Barry Keoghans name as well :roll_eyes:

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