RTE Correspondents

Just watching Paul Reynolds there on the Six One News and wondering where Gormanstown is, does anyone know? :smirk:

Explain that one to me in lay mans terms?

I assume the company is just setup as a shelter for his broadcasting, etc income.

How would it be losing money for him? Is it not just him giving with one hand and taking out with the other?

Or is the article implying he has a gambling addiction and lost his bollox.

Not sure to be honest, he owes the credit union a nice sum

John Kilraine has absolutely no conviction, confidence or gravitas in his live report here. He’d remind you of Peter Ohanraohanrahan

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He can’t talk. It’s a big impediment for a correspondent


John is from Malahide, he’s an okay sort. His brother would be more well known amongst YOFABO but John and his brother would be buzzers. No nasal issues during reports. A true professional.

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This new lad doing the report from Ukraine - he sounds like a Bond villain.

Edmund Heaphey is the chap’s name.

I’ve a great story about Paddy O’Gorman. Lovely man

Eibhlin Ni Choisdealdha has put on a Tour De France this Bank Holiday Weekend.


You’re not wrong there. She has a super minxy smile that’d put a horn on a snowman……


Who is his brother

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Snapped up just like that

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Tubridy will be snapped up soon enough. We need to pay our best and brightest what they’re worth. They are in high demand.

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She’ll probably have to take a pay cut

We always said it, needs to be a swift round of renegotiations now

Probably worth it not to reporting on the Patricks Day Parade in Ballyshite

The laz here were laughing at the idea of any RTE presenter being in demand from BBC.


Like the great departed poster Ball Ox, her heart is obviously in the US.