
Bob does his own thing and isnt half as needy.

Bob married a rich wan from Cork so he packed it in


I don’t get this. He makes his living from driving people demented on twitter.

His views might be more palatable to you than to someone else but to me he’s no different than Gemma O’Doherty or one of them other gomies that are controversial just to drum up interest in the brand.


they did a documentary of the wedding

Informative rating. Hadn’t heard that song in years. A classic.

His views are hardly controversial?

I don’t think he makes a living from Twitter mate, but he’s doing very well, why shouldn’t he seek sponsorship for his hugely successful podcast?

I didn’t say anything about sponsorship fella. He has a right to earn money any way he wants.

He is controversial enough. He knows exactly what he is doing. I didn’t think you’d be naive enough to be surprised that people bite at this shit.

If he’s doing so well he doesnt need the sponsorship then does he?

The sponsorship thing was aimed at somebody else,

He’s a liberal mate, a bit of an Uber liberal but consistent, of course he’ll get plenty of hate with that viewpoint

I am ambivalent, I’d listen to the odd podcast but have no interest in the music

When they were a bit of craic they were interesting.

This kind of shit would sicken anyone though

And if London is anything to go by, I guarantee you a huge swathe of this money comes from the drug trade, child porn and human trafficking. In the BBC doc I made we showed how the most expensive areas of London are just giant money laundering schemes for a global kleptocracy

Straight out the Sidney playbook that shit

And i presume your employer doesn’t need to pay you because you do well enough off of missus o’sullivan.

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fucking hell lad, you’d go to war for any fella from the bridge to Coonagh :smile:


You dont see lads claiming how successful I am in the same way you have lads here telling us how very successful blindboat is

You’ve been upping your game


Company APPROACHES Tom with big offer …

Blindboat makes a Podcast off his own back and demands payment … if you cant see the difference there’s no hope for you.

The usual suspects are driven demented arguing that the usual suspects are driven demented by the carry on of Blindman on twitter.


fuck it I’ve already used up my Keyser Soze gif quota.

The usual suspects liking your post there.

If blindman is so successful, why wont anyone sponsor his podcast?