
I’m not too sure but I don’t think Tom is an anti capitalist, anti globalisation, outspoken social media presence.

I don’t think you’ll find many PLC’s willing to attach themselves to that particular brand

I dunno mate. I don’t listen to Boatman’s Podcast.


And now the blindboy boatclub podcast hour on the damaging effects of capitalism throughout history brought to you by JP Morgan and Chase and Bridgewater associates

I’ve never listened to his podcast but I follow him on twitter where he mentions live podcast recordings and guests and so on. Is it not the same thing every week? A few thoughts on panic attacks and then an interview with a sex worker? Fair play to him for selling out provincial venues week after week.

Are his shows just him bleating on about social issues or do they play any of the auld tunes? I’m a fan of their earlier stuff. Antney’s Eye was a great auld tune.

What’s wrong with antknee’s eye? Is it a lamb’s eye?


There’s a fella from Kennedy Park called lamb eye since before the rubber bandits were born


He should think about writing a book.

this is by far their best piece of work

This is decent too


Bring back the trout of no craic


Incidentally, that Tatra stuff in the background is the most vile beer I have ever tasted. Avoid like the plague.

That’s what successful people drink.

It’s the cheapest shit you can buy over here. They also use it as the base for Desperados.

I second this. I wouldn’t clean the yard with it

TFK Exclusive*

Blindboy and the other lad did a private performance at the French wedding of a woman who is now running for FG in the local elections.

*It’s not really an exclusive, and the wedding was a number of years ago before she joined the political circuit

It may be a tfk exclusive but there’s a reason no one has reported on this before.


She’s a nice girl actually, running for FG is odd, the Limerick local elections are gonna be BOX OFFICE

I wonder what the Frogs thought of that.

If she’s the type to fork out a few grand to have lads with bags over their heads perform at her wedding, then FG is the place for her alright.