
Does he have his own company? ---- are the 20k a month donations tax free?

I’d say so. They’ve a publicly listed company called lovely men or something humorous like that with fuck all in it.

You can claim back on donations given.

Guessing here but I’d say your have to set up as a charity to get tax exemptions on donations.

Gofundme and the like is dodgy ground tax wise.

Gift and donation are different

I’d say the social justice warrior has it set up in a way that he pays very little tax.

Not only is it not tax free there is a very clear record of it for revenue to look at.

Fair enough … it’s still a fair whack of money a month just from the podcast… begging goes a long way it seems

His podcast with Bernadette Devlin is excellent. More down to Bernadette than Blindboy. She is an interesting character with a fascinating story to tell and she’s well able to tell it. Blindboy let her at it in fairness.

True. It’s a big chunk of change. If he has 4 to 5 thousand patrons 20k a month is about right.

Does he do them in his moyross accent or his north circular road accent?

And he still begging for money :smile:

make hay while the sun shines

Hope it doesnt shine too bright, cant be comfy in that bag.

Shining and heat are different things, bro.

I’d say he has awful skin.

No. He has lovely soft skin truth be told.

There’s a lapsed poster on here who could do with wearing a plastic bag on his face so.

Had he a face on him like a brunch?


You can claim back on donations given but they have to be charities, which he is not.

Definitely taxable but he looks to have a couple of companies so presumably the money is funnelled through that for the 12.5% tax rate, less any losses incurred previously.

Presumably also getting the artists exemption for any income from his book and any music.

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No doubt getting the artist exemption.

cheers bro.

Thank the stars we have accountants.

Accountants know fuck all about tax :smiley: