
Edibles are the way forward

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$4.4B cannabis market in Cali alone in 2020, expected to be $6B this year. Edibles were 22% of that, up from 10% the prior year. It’s a new goldrush.

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Impressive levels of scutter being reached by Blindboy lately.


I bet it’s Derek McGrath under that bag.

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I used to find him very entertaining but he’s become an awful wum. He became unbearable at the start of covid


@Thomas_Brady Will not be happy

@Gill_i_bix is surely a poster here.

I’m sure a lot of us find ourselves nodding our heads in agreement with him


Some contrarian right wing bitch in the Indo (Larissa something?) that used to appear on Brendan O’Connor’s crap midweek RTE panel discussion show (Cutting Edge?) had a hatchet job on Bookclub Boattrip a couple of weeks ago. It was behind the paywall, I think. Could anyone copy and paste it?

What’s this?

Padraic has ended him as a man there

Boat club thinks someone showed Joey how to fold his arms
This lad is some chancer

Was Blindboy not taking the piss here when tweeted that?


Would you take what a man with a plastic bag on his head has to say seriously?

Hard to tell but I reckon it was a “serious” comment
Sure he was studying the body language

What a gee bag …

In saying that your man Ross did look like a standard old fella you’d see down the boozer with the shirt combo tucked in to a pair jeans - and tackies (trainers) with jeans… All he was missing was a bunch of keys hanging off the front of him.

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Or a mobile phone in the leather case attached to his belt. Remember that. Or a bluetooth yolk in his ear…

I stopped listening to speedboat when his hot takes were just general knowledge stuff. e.g. “New York is on the east coast of the USA”, something like that…


A Nokia 3210


Blind boy had some decent podcasts two years ago maybe on CBT and one on Belfast.

He has same problem most podcasts do - they run out of content fairly quickly and become hackneyed.

I enjoyed some of Tommy Tiernan solo podcast but last few episodes were complete scutter and I’ve not tuned in to the one with Hector as much since they launched the paid for second show.

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Tiernan’s mind is a wild overgrown jungle.

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