
Blindbagboy is one of the top five smartest podcasters in Ireland.

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Second Captains has I think*

  • I know

To who, Boatboy? Good luck to him … I just dont like the metal health card being played or some of the wokey shite… monetizing mental health for your benefit is cunt acting but that’s the world we live in I suppose.


There is a market unfortunately

The forum won’t be surprised to know that I think he’s a dick. Listening to some cunt with a plastic bag over his head isn’t my cup of tea.

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Everyone wants answers — no one knows the question.

The 2 Johnnies would have as much if not more I’d reckon

Westlife had a big listenership

John Kiely has the largest listenership in Ireland.

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I’d agree with most of the above personally but he did come in and give a talk for free to a school for a lad on here so he will remain way above Bressie forever for me.


He mugged @Thomas_Brady off for 5 large to do a talk.

Spotify exclusive from the 14th.

Not everyone can be Bill Burr

Two great fellas

I listened to a few Blindboy podcasts over the last few months and I quite enjoyed them. I thought it was obvious, but I’ll state it here just in case anyways - you’re not meant to take him seriously.

Someone should tell him that

I just thought it was a funny observation to make, calm your tits. Any advice for any other successful people that you don’t listen to on how they should do their jobs? :smiley:

Standard response - calm, relax, stop getting worked up — No one was getting worked up but you clearly. I didnt give advice to anyone, and especially to anyone successful. I’m sorry I spoke negatively about someone that comes from an area close to you.


Time to circle the Wagons. Mr boatclub knows exactly what Cark is like. @gilgamboa @backinatracksuit

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Can’t wait for this sounds class