Rugby - June 2016 End of season meaningless friendlies

Yep. Donā€™t fall in thoigh. Do your own thing.

Have you any ducking backbone at all ?

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Ah no, Iā€™d support Ireland over anybody else, I grew up supporting them. I wonā€™t lose any sleep over them though, I couldnā€™t give a shit about the provinces though, makey uppey shit means othing to me.

Thatā€™s the new thing now.
Does this mean that Iā€™m no longer a paedophile or narcissist?
Iā€™m only trying to get up to speed, Iā€™ll always do my own thing.


Weā€™re the anti-rugby football brigade and we hope Ireland get destroyed in every game, mate.


Thanks mate, I canā€™t go that far though.

Donā€™t worry, @bandage changes his views on things regularly, so if youā€™re in any way consistent yeā€™ll eventually align.

Other guys around here will change their views also once @Bandage changes his and will follow him like sheep


I bet those results yesterday properly, PROPERLY ruined that dodderykeeper fellas day. We all hope Ireland win tomorrow night, but lads, can you please hope a little stronger because between yesterday, the soccer and Tipp next week, we should be very fearful for him.

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Yup. To give Bandwagonage his dues, he controls MBBs preferences on a whim.

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What is the official moniker for the Irish U20ā€™s? I have seen them referred to as the Baby Greens and Baby Wolfhounds, I must say the latter would be my preference.

Edit: Iā€™ve also see Wolfhound Cubs. This is my new favourite.

I believe they are the Wolfpuppies.

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Oh Jesus that excellent, Iā€™m in for the wolf puppies.

You spend a lot of time on twitter I believe there is less than no chance you didnā€™t already know the answer to that question you scamp


I agree with this^^

MBB is a Twitter expert.

Calling @HBV, @Tim_Riggins, @dodgy_keeper & @Bandage

Warning : This video is quite emotional viewing but please stick with it. Iā€™m in bits again.

Paddy Jackson is an Irish hero.


Thatā€™s quite the volte face.

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Take your negatively to the washing machine like you did with those infamous shitty togs.