Rugby Players Rape Trial

As I’ve outlined before I’d a friend in a similar situation. He was never named. He was found to be completely innocent. His family is destroyed over it. His dad barely talks. He hasn’t had a drink in years and refuses to head out. No good comes from these situations ever. Do you actually think if this girls name is published all over the internet that’ll make their families happy? Give them some peace? It is sad if you do.

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Couldn’t read a jury and they came back in less than 4 hours with a verdict.

He really gets the law.

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Ah yeah, middle class boys who had an easy time of it according to a Senator in our Oireactas.


I never asked for her name to be released … but as has been posted above… the lads are in ruin now also after being found innocent. I agree there is no winners here but dismissing the verdict so lightly because you have sympathy for the girl is not how this works.


A unanimous verdict too. So so rare. Like a 9 dart finish in @Sidney and @Bandage parlance

The jury decided that there wasn’t enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt and convict for rape.

That doesn’t mean there was no rape.

That you would show such a fundamental misunderstanding of the criminal justice system is the icing on the cake of your self-humiliation and your voluntary outing of yourself as a woman-hating piece of shit.

Perhaps you could move on to writing reams of nonsense posts about how what the hooded men who were interned in the North in 1971 suffered could not amount to torture because of a court decision?

I’ve sympathy for everybody involved. These cases are total mess for everybody involved. People taking joy in the verdict one way or the other and people looking for the girl to be shamed make me sick.

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I think most of us can agree with this.

Wrong. I stopped reading then.

Can we take a poll on this?

Who thinks the complainant should now be named?

Ah here.

They were found innocent. It is done. You are not going to get anymore conclusive than that.

I agree with you that comments of some posters who deemed the girl to be lying still remain out of order despite the verdict but for God sake let the trial go.

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Thanks for again proving my point about you,

This is the real pickle for Sidney.

Not only was he a full on cheerleader for one side of the story during the trial, he also was heaping praise on the Prosection. It’s not like he can even take on the angle that this was a case where there just wasn’t enough evidence and the prosecution couldn’t prove the case. He was cheering Toby Hedworth like he was Wolfie at Lakeside and deriding Kelly like he was a PDC player.

I notice he is just going over the “rape apologist” and “you know how rape victims should react???” line here, the inconvenience of it all for him.


Can we also have a poll on wether sid should be completely banned from tfk forevermore? I’d be very interested in the results.

To be honest I don’t think the verdict makes a whole pile of difference, we’ll never know what happened that night, a lot of people on TFK let themselves down and continue to do so, its grand to have a slag and throw out a bit of bile but not in situations like this,
The case will have done some public good though, people will think twice in certain situations
An awful hames of a case

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You must be Seething through the teeth. We offer a thread for that too.

Who is going to foot the bill for the Trial? Surely as the defendants are not guilty all their legal fees should be paid for by the prosecution?

Well we know she wasn’t raped now dont we.

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Thats pretty poor out of Aodhan

Rain called it correctly I believe

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