Rugby Players Rape Trial

That’s a hard hitting statement from Paddy Jackson’s solicitor Joe McVeigh.

A trophy will surely be commissioned for another incredible Irish rugby victory.


How did you deal with it pal? Going to work,out with family - hearing the whispers " look there goes @ TheUlteriorMotive the rape apologist from TFK"…


?? Where

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All they would be doing is saying things straight.

#Ibelieveher is trending on Twitter. Snowflakes love democracy and justice until it doesn’t give the answer they want. First it was Trump, now it’s this.


That’s the way it is gone now with social media

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What’s the gist of it ?

@caoimhaoin still owes the forum apology for jumping to a conclusion before the trial started


Does this dope realize that the accuser is from a well to do family?

Fucking pleb.

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I’d never trust the British legal system for justice.

Jackson and Olding will never play for Ireland and probably not Ulster again whereas Simon “Zeebs” Zebo gets a lucrative contract to Paris and Conor Murray gets nominated for World Player of the year.



Just thanking the judge and jury and his family

Ah jasyus Aodhan

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Cut it out, sit down and give that nonsense a rest.

I wouldnt bother engaging with it mate. Waste of time.

Tis lucky REDACTED didnt follow Murray into the room that night.

No one claiming victory … but some of us were repeatedly called rape apologists and so on just because we called this… It took 2 attempts from @Rocko and multiple rebrands from certain posters to cut out the nonsense.

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Give it a rest you Castle Catholic.