Rugby Players Rape Trial

Ulster rubby should get Paddy Jackson back playing rubby.

No doubt he has broken some sort of code of conduct un befitting to a rubby professional but he has served his time.
Put him back on the books.
he should also be considered for Oireland.

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agreed but do we still need him? he shouldn’t play for us just because he is innocent, I don’t think he is good enough

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he should be considered.

Your blood pressure must be sky high with the seethe. Exposed again and again on your playground of choice as an imbecile.

Time for a rebrand you absolute wally.

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There’s some amount of shite being tweeted using that #IBelieveHer on the Tweet Machine

Where are @KOS1987 and @rain now.? Had to endure their waffle for months, and now that it’s over and their waffles are burnt, they have decided to tuck tail.

Thick cunt who calls himself psycho not understanding the justice system shock

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Paddy was very good on the South Africa tour before that fateful night out in Belfast. That’s nearly two years ago now and he’s barely played since. No place for sentiment in professional sport, can he get back to that level again to merit selection for Ireland? A big ask after nearly two years out of the game.

Psycho is a truth teller. He speaks for the people.

Heard exact same in my office… auld wans were the worst. They should have been found guilty of something

Throughout this trial you applied your own made up guidelines for how a rape victim should behave if she is to be believed.

You fabricated testimony, and you dismissed medical expertise that drove a coach and horses through your little theory that a rape victim should only behave in a manner you expect.

That’s what a neanderthal rape apologist does.

You, sir, are a neanderthal rape apologist.

*Vile commentary expressed on social media, going well beyond fair comment, has polluted the sphere of public discourse and raised real concerns about the integrity of the trial process



You obviously missed the point of my posts you dope.

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Your ex? Youre well rid so

From a so called academic …

You know, I’d like my life back.

That’s true. He is very representative of the people of Laois.



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@artfoley - rough estimate of the tab for solicitor, Junior Counsel and a Queens Counsel over from London for a 40 day non-legally aided rape trial?

I see Paddy Jackson’s solicitor Joe McVeigh trained in Madden & Finucane. @Cicero_Dandi, was that the firm of the late Pat Finucane?

I’m a feminist, but I accept the verdicts 100%. Completely separate / independent of the result from court today, a lot of TFK posters owe fulsome apologies for their carry on before and during this trial. I hope they have the courage to confront themselves and ask the necessary hard questions. I read somewhere that self authoring could be a useful tool in this regard.