Rugby Players Rape Trial

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The rape apologist keeps digging, egged on by the apologists for rape apologists.

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I’d think twice about bringing a bird back after a night out after what transpired here.


Certainly have to be some bannings in light of that. Will probably help the posters mental health

I thought I would enjoy seeing you unravel the way you have been today but it’s been too easy.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy needs to call around to you before you do yourself a mischief

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Laois GAA have released a statement distancing themselves from him. I’ll be shocked if he travels Saturday. Some clipe.

I don’t want to see him banned. I will change my avatar though to remind him of the day he was bested and rendered impotent and inconsequential in his Colliseum The INTERNET

The O Riordans are not exactly slum dwellers either. He’s an awful can of piss

I think you’re enjoying it alright, because you don’t see anything wrong with being a rape apologist, you likely see it as a badge of honour.

Sick individuals, as all reasonable people would undoubtedly agree you are, revel in their vileness and repulsiveness.

Again, you expose yourself as seeing rape as merely a joke.

I imagine that goes down a treat with women.

Even more worrying is the possibility of you being around children.

You’re another potential Tom Humphries, for sure, maybe even a Jimmy Savile.

There was no rape. The trial established that.

You are just trying to get banned now. You are inconsequential from here on as @Sidney

For a man who places so much value on winning on the INTERNET that must hurt. The seeth is running over.

He’s imploding, it’s fascinating to watch (really)


That’s the way he is gone these days

Chernobyl level meltdown.


I was on plane you gobshite. And my opinions haven’t changed…


The truth we have established over the last eight weeks is that you’re a rape apologist.

And you’re seething about being called out on it.

You should have thought about all that before you decided to become a rape apologist.

The epitaph on your e-grave will state: “Here lies @TheUlteriorMotive, rape apologist”.

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It was not a fair fight. Intellectually he brought a knife to a gunfight.

I’m holding a vigil for the poster @Sidney in Bedford Row, limerick, tomorrow at 12.30pm.



I’m heading off now to continue my selfauthoring journey.

Between that and the psyllium husk I am operating on another level altogether.

Debating with you was like debating with a small bee. You let him fly around and be annoying. For a while. Then you swat him.