Rugby Players Rape Trial

Courts don’t prove innocence, they try to prove guilt or doubt

If you are not guilty you are innocent.


This cunt needs to see a solicitor

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That was Paddy Jackson.

The rape apologist can barely see through the froth all over his face.

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Sydney, go to Limerick and jump up and down. Problem solved.

some of the comments there. fucking hell. some of my particular favourites

@anon61956325 will you tell some of them there to fuck up.

“Psycho” after deleting the tweet. The fucking idiot.

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Was OJ Simpson innocent?


Fucking hell, this is amazing stuff. Rapes don’t happen unless a jury says so apparently. I hope a relation of yours never gets raped. You won’t believe them until their attacker is in jail

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That’s the law you lunatic.

Go and call somebody a rapist in public and see where you end up.

What a nasty post.
Reported & flagged you little cunt.

this has been a shameful few weeks for @caoimhaoin

I’m the lunatic here alright :laughing: Says the lad who thinks only rapes which end in a conviction happen


An absolute cluster fuck of a case from start to finish.

There are no “winners” here, only “losers” on both sides with life changing implications for all parties.

Even posters on here celebrating like they won the lotto because strangers got acquitted. On the other side you’ve the likes of Aodhain O’Riordain who are equally as bad if not worse by leading a lynch mob on social media against four (now innocent) men because they didn’t get the verdict they wanted. Horrible all round.

To be accused of rape must be one of the worst things to be alleged against any man. Accused parties should get the right to anonymity, the same as the complainant. Now even though they’ve been cleared there’s still a baying mob acting as their own judge and jury. Equally you’ve a 19 year old girl who seemingly made this complaint in good faith and willingly put herself through an ordeal of being cross examined on the stand being now labelled a slut and she be named etc. It’s the worst of both sides really.

I’m just glad it’s over. There was inconsistencies in the testimonies of all parties from what I can gather but the rule of law has prevailed, whether people like it or not.

Lives ruined forever whichever way you look at it. Awful.


He’s on a downward spiral since his confession regarding the dinners from the back of a pub.

Olding’s statement was quite impressive

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Olding has come out of this the best of the four character wise


+1. He’s gone right up in my estimation.

I think we need to look at the bigger picture here, it got me a nice post