Rugby Players Rape Trial

Another epic @Sidney meltdown. Vindication for @TheUlteriorMotive. There are no points for you to address TUM. Your use of logic and reason trumped the emotional based posters ranting and raving. Fascinating, as always.


It must have taken you well over 15 minutes to type that, mate. Certainly you’ve been hard it at for at least that long.

Now I know you’re noted for your short, pointless posts, but surely in that time you could have come up with something a bit longer?

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He’s like a homeless crack addled nutter on the street, desperate for someone to engage with him.

Stop projecting. Always with the projecting.

Better than long pointless posts at least…

One for the National Library vaults for sure

There was as bad said about paddy Jackson on this site while he was waiting for the legal system to classify him as a non rapist.

Some mongs… Tho I did call him a clown myself… giving it big licks and calling out all the fembots… The gee bag.

Go way you cunt, you’d be lighting bonfires if they went down :smile:


I do, but the snowflakes were baying for blood.

I don’t think CLG Laois could convene and carry out a proper investigation before Saturday’s Division 4 League final against Carlow. But when the dust settles after that and they have time to work through things, I think a 1-match ban would be appropriate for Psycho Walsh. Does anybody know who they’re playing in the first round of the Leinster Championship?

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No one knows what happened lads other than those that were there on the night. There certainly wasnt enough to convict but a lot of people will always wonder…there was an awful lot of inconsistencies from all parties though.

A lot of people will cast aspersions on Jackson/Olding due to the whatsapp messages in particular after the trial. which gave an insight possibly inaccurately of them being awful misogynist cunts.

Awful case…they did blackguard the girl though. Even if consent was given, typing that shite the next day was disgraceful.

I don’t. I’m not looking past Saturday to be honest because to do so would e disrespectful for Carlow who are a real up and coming county and as David Brady said, probably the second best team in Leinster.

This might be worse than the time Psycho videoed himself pissing on another clubs jersey.


When you hear the words “Not Guilty” :rofl:

Time to dungeon the thread me thinks @Rocko


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Serious wedge to have to come up with for guys who weren’t all that long established on Ireland contracts. Olding’s personal circumstances obviously couldn’t withstand it and Paddy Jackson is one of the many Ireland internationals who went to a non-fee paying school.

Would the IRFU have continued to pay them in the Interim?

The guy is a laughing stock now anyway.

Challenging feminists to come at him and warning them that he would throw the kitchen sink at them.At the first sign of trouble from the feminists he then deletes his tweet.

What a fucking tool.:laughing: