Rugby Players Rape Trial

I would imagine so. If there were convicted, they were fired for gross misconduct but typically employment law proceedings have to wait until a criminal trial takes it course.

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C.f. @artfoley

Would the lads have any civil recourse now against the complainant?
I’m just curious as common sense would suggest that all parties should walk away from it now

Im no expert pal, but this is a criminal rather than a civil case so, no they wont get a penny back i reckon.

Can anyone give a very brief synopsis on what Laois has to do with the rape trial?

@sidney what was your opinion on the evidence about the Uber ?




I’m open to correction, but I don’t recall reading the word “Uber” in any report, tweet or forum post about the trial until yesterday.

Exactly, you weren’t privy to all the evidence. The jury were.


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And something about Uber was not the deciding factor in whether a rape took place.

During blanes testimony didn’t he describe himself as the “ubermensch”. I’m sure i read it somewhere

The rule of law has cast it’s verdict and that is fine with me. Whether justice was done is another story.

Fucking hell, the two biggest gobshites on the internet are from Laois, and now this absolute dickhead, what the fuck is going on up there at all


Nicely done by the Drogs

Will @Cicero_Dandi be joining the hardcore lefty crew on one of their marches tomorrow?

No, but it was just one of a number pieces of evidence that weren’t reported on. We need to accept the unanimous verdict of the small group of people who heard all the evidence.

Can this other evidence be reported on post trial I wonder ?


Guys, we’re done here.

Discussed to death. There are too many flags and false flags and there is an abundance of arseholery on this topic.

Closed. And we’ll take forward one rule:

For the love of God leave the rape apologist, rape cheerleader, Mickey Harte, you hoped she was raped etc etc behind. Nobody has anything profound or original to say on the topic now so assume your point has been made and understood by now.