Rugby Players Rape Trial

Your entire post was speculation.

She said he was a gent. No wonder Cian Healy sought to avoid these fickle rugby fans and preferred to use the back door to enter the team bus.

What? You think if he pinched her arse there, that that was an appropriate thing to do? Not radical feminism you dope, common decency and not being a pig would come into play IF he did

Your entire everything is speculation.

I don’t think he pinched her arse.

But IF he did, that’s OK in that circumstance?

he did not pinch her arse, she made that up


How do you know? :joy::joy: seriously, there’s as much evidence that he didn’t as he did I.e. none

Evidence being she called him a gent, and happily posted photos of them.


This is shaping up nicely

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She is smiling. She called him a gent. He clearly didn’t pinch her arse.

Maybe the trauma of it made her forget when she posted the Instagram photo.

This is all stupid. I just shared the tweet and if he did pinch her arse he’s a creep for doing it, but we don’t know he did either.


It’s like playing with a kitten.

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she’s smiling and called him a gent and posted it in public

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Yes. She was a teen and says she took it as compliment at the time cause she was naive.

Ye know the same way paedos and creeps make victims feel “special” when grooming.

If he didn’t do it, fine. But her admitting that she thought thought it was flattering then, still would not have given him the right to do that, if he did it was totally inappropriate.

Best rape trial ever​:joy::joy::joy::yum::yum::yum:

Proper LOLs

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I believe her


You are suggesting the rugby players are paedos now?

That’s quite a step

Let me guess?

You have no empathy for that girl?