Rugby Players Rape Trial

Are you referencing another miscarriage of justice by the Brits?

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People also need to remember that for whatever reason some of facts of this case were only available to the jury and weren’t reported on by the media.

People need to accept the fact that the jury heard every minute of evidence and decided in a very short space of time to unanimously acquit all four. Luckily for the defendants in this case trials are conducted in a court of law and not on social media.


I’ve just said the same to @downwiththemuckers via text.

Verdict only took four hours, no one wanted to convict on any charge, they’ve essentially said they didn’t believe a word the accuser said.

It’s a surprise as one would have thought the decision would take a lot longer based on the daily court reports.

Unanimous verdicts are rare as hens teeth. Unanimous on all counts for all defendants is a huge result. Heads will roll over this and rightly so.


I cannot for the life of me understand how Harrison in particular was acquitted in two hours. It draws the whole decision into question for me.

Anyway - it is finished now so we move on.

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the lesson here is simple, if a third party arrives at the door always invite them to join in.


I’d expect a retraction and apology

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in fairness i think the forum secretary went rogue that evening, one could detect that a serious dressing down was delivered via IM

The word on the street was correct it seems.

To me the under 4 hours for the jury to come back is a slam dunk that it wasn’t rape.

There’s her story, their stories and somewhere in between there is the truth.

Tough on her and the accused, all of them tarnished for life.


You don’t understand much about the criminal justice system. You were on here the first day of the trial proclaiming before any witness in the trial was called that the opening statement of the prosecution was evidence. You also felt that it was sufficient evidence at that stage to convict.

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there was an attempt to destroy the lives of four innocent people here

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What was the view of downwiththemuckers in relation to the trial?


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Go way … you made a complete show of yourself on this thread.

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It appears the more they heard the easier the decision became

Any chance we might get to see Dara’s video now?

What’s sad is the amount of lads running in here to claim some sort of weird victory. 4 lives ruined (I’d say McIlroy is secretely delighted with the fame).


There’s about 5 lads here gone absolutely fucking mental with rage right now :joy:


Tough for the 4 lads now. Some of the mud thrown during this trial will stick, regardless of today’s verdict. I can’t see the two boys just walking back into playing for Ulster like nothing happened.